The Academy Games

The Academy Games were a legendary spectacle, a thrilling showcase of supernatural schools competing for glory year after year. And this time, the world of rugby was about to take center stage in just a couple of days.

Jae-sung had been biding his time, enjoying some well-deserved rest and relaxation in the lead-up to the big game. But on the eve of the event, he cracked open the book, which was an old tome, bound in worn leather with dark edges and an intricate pattern of gold filigree on the cover. But it was not just any old book - it was imbued with a magical entity. When opened, the pages flickered to life with a bright light, illuminating the intricate calligraphy and illustrations that filled each page. The air around it buzzed with a powerful, almost electric energy.

As the pages turned, a voice spoke out from within the book, echoing throughout the room. It was a deep, booming voice, resonating with power and ancient knowledge. It spoke in a language that few mortals could understand. The voice was that of a Jinn, a powerful spirit of fire and smoke, that had been trapped within the pages of the book for centuries.

As the pages flipped, the Jinn's presence grew stronger, and its power more tangible. The air around the book grew warmer, and a faint scent of smoke filled the room. The Jinn's words were hypnotic, and it was all the reader could do to tear their gaze away from the mesmerizing words.

And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the pages slowed and came to a stop. The Jinn's voice faded away, and the book fell silent. Jae-sung could feel his magical powers and mana coalescing, becoming sharper and more potent with each passing moment. And when he finally closed the book, it was empty, its pages blank.

Seo-yun, though not a participant in the rugby match, had decided to come along with Jae-sung to witness the grandeur of the stadium and the excitement of the crowd. And what a crowd it was! The stadium was alive with a raucous symphony of cheers and jeers, the anticipation palpable as the teams lined up, poised for battle on the field.

The werewolf, a hulking beast with fur as black as night, stood at the front of the line, grabbing the ball grasped tightly in his jaws. With a deafening howl, he lunged forward, his powerful legs propelling him forward with speed and ferocity.

But the opposing team was not to be underestimated. The ice mage stands tall, her eyes shining with an otherworldly power.

"As the spirits of betrayal and vengeance dwell within my body, I am the harbinger of the frozen tundra! Malaphar, arise!" she proclaims with a voice that echoes through the field.

And in an instant, a mystical aura surrounds her, and her body begins to transform. Fox ears sprout from her head, adding an animalistic fierceness to her already powerful presence. Her hair - a sea of pure white - seems to glow with a brilliance that defies explanation.

Her clothing, white robes that flow like a frozen river, is adorned with two straps that cross her chest, adding a regal touch to her already imposing figure. She is a strikingly beautiful creature, with features that are both delicate and alluring. Her skin is smooth and flawless, like freshly fallen snow, with a subtle rosy tint that adds warmth to her otherwise cool complexion.

Her robes began fluttering in the wind, as she unleashed a barrage of ice spells making the floor slick, causing the werewolf to slip and falter.

"Ha ha ha!" the vampire cackled madly as he pounced upon the opportunity and with a vicious strike, slammed the werewolf's head into the ground, snatching the ball away." Let us hope we spill blood in this momentous game !" he shrieked as he darted away.

His wild, crimson locks was thick and unruly, framing his chiseled face with a sense of danger and intrigue. His skin was pale and smooth, as if he had never seen the light of day. The vampire's purple shirt was tight-fitting and made of a soft, silky material that clung to his muscular torso. His eyes were a light, delicate shade of pink, like the petals of a rose in full bloom.

The deranged vampire's movements were erratic, darting back and forth across the field with unpredictable speed and agility. He would suddenly change direction, making it difficult for the other players to anticipate his next move. His movements were almost frenzied, as if driven by some primal urge, and he would occasionally leap or spin in mid-air, adding to the confusion of his opponents. It was as if he were playing a completely different game, one that only he could fully understand.

But Jae-sung, with his wire-manipulating powers, was not to be outdone. He tripped the vampire and sent him tumbling, just as another teleported onto the field, grasping the ball. He had a crown of tight, curly hair framed his face, its thick coils catching the light and casting a halo of shadow around his features. His skin was a deep, rich shade of brown - a hue that hinted of a life lived under the sun.

The enigma, with his otherworldly powers, blinked in and out of existence, darting down the field with the ball in tow.

Then the nagas, with their serpentine forms and human-like upper bodies, slithered gracefully onto the field. Their scales glinted iridescently in the sunlight, each one a unique blend of greens, blues, and golds. Their long, flowing hair cascaded down their backs, adorned with intricate jewelry of gold and precious gems. Their eyes, large and almond-shaped, held a wisdom and intelligence that belied their beastly appearance.

They moved with a fluidity and grace that was mesmerizing to behold, their bodies undulating as they sang in a language that was both foreign and beautiful. They were both fearsome and mesmerizing creatures. The sound of their voices were harmonizing and blending together in a way that was both soothing and captivating.

The brown-skinned man had been enthralled, and the ball slipped from his hands as he stood motionless. With a confident stride, a handsome horned humanoid figure appeared.

He was a magnificent oni, his powerful presence emanating from his horned head down to his meek steps. He was slim and of average height, his bony frame suggesting a wiry strength. Dressed in a resplendent kimono, adorned with a striking obi, and his feet shod in traditional sandals.

Suddenly an explosion bones shot out in all directions, splintering and cracking as they bursted forth from the oni's body. The sound of the bones snapping and breaking is deafening, and the air is filled with a nauseating smell of burning flesh and blood. It was if his very essence was being torn apart and reassembled. His limbs elongated and muscles expanded. The oni's facial features became distorted and monstrous, with an enormous maw filled with pointed teeth.

As the transformation nears completion, the oni stands tall and proud, a twenty-meter monstrosity that dwarfs everything around it. His every step shook the ground beneath him, sending ripples through the grass and sending dust clouds into the air. He then proceeded to flick the ball down the field.