
"You Leveled up" x3

Jae-sung meticulously plundered the treasures of the fallen assassins. With acute discernment, he allocated his acquired points to his attributes with mathematical precision. He made his way back to the academy to partake in his studies.

As Jae-sung settled into his seat, the grandeur of the fantastical classroom was not lost upon him. The ornate architecture, adorned with intricate engravings and gilded moldings, was a feast for the eyes. The air was filled with the sweet scent of enchanted flowers, their petals shimmering with ethereal radiance. The soft murmur of his peers' conversations, interspersed with the occasional burst of laughter, added to the enchanting ambiance.

The professor, a masterful orator, spoke of a fantastical realm where the laws of physics were but mere suggestions. He regaled the class with tales.

But as the class progressed, an eerie stillness began to overtake the room. The very fabric of time itself seems to unravel. The hands of the clocks stutter, halting in their rotation as the world around him grinds to a halt. Jae-sung finds himself trapped, unable to move or speak, a prisoner in this frozen moment. The air grows heavy with a sense of foreboding, as if the very fate of reality hangs in the balance.

Footsteps could be heard as they slowly and methodically clacked. With each step, the clacking grew louder and more deliberate. Jae-sung felt the weight of the unknown bearing down upon him, each step closer to him a heavy burden on his mind. The echoes of the footsteps seemed to shake the very foundations of the class, and Jae-sung could not shake the feeling of impending doom.

And then, as suddenly as they had begun, the footsteps stopped. The silence was deafening, and Jae-sung could hear nothing but the pounding of his own heart. But as he strained to listen, he heard a faint, muffled scream, barely audible over the sound of his own racing thoughts. The scream was quickly silenced, and Jae-sung was left alone once again with only his fear for company.

With the sudden and inexplicable return of time, the world around Jae-sung erupted into chaos. Panic and confusion gripped the classroom as students scrambled to understand what had just occurred.

But amidst the turmoil, one figure stood out to Jae-sung. A student, standing stock-still with a look of horror etched upon their face, their throat slit open as if in a grotesque display. The sight was like a slap in the face to Jae-sung, a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the darkness that lurked within.

But as he looked around, searching for the perpetrator of this heinous act, he found only emptiness. The killer was nowhere to be found, vanished into the ether like a ghost. The sensation of the world speeding up and slowing down, like the ebb and flow of a tide, still clung to Jae-sung's senses.

The world was a dangerous place, full of unseen terrors and unfathomable evil, and Jae-sung knew that he would have to be ever vigilant if he hoped to survive.

Loud sirens then began to blare to signal an emergency.