
As the battle drew to a close, it became evident that the enemies were beginning to falter. Their numbers dwindled, as if their resolve was failing them in the face of the unyielding might. The portals closed, trapping the last stragglers in a world that would soon be free of their tyranny.

But the cost was great. Allies fell in droves, their sacrifices a testament to the brutal nature of war. Yet, despite these losses, they did not submit. The ends justified the means.

Jae-sung rejoiced upon beholding that Seo-yun and Baek-hyun remained mostly unscathed, though the strife had taken a formidable toll upon him like a heavy shroud.

The conclusion of the conflict signaled the departure of the masses from their bunkers. The air was thick with the stench of blood and decay, and the moans of the wounded could be heard throughout the area. But there was hope in the air too, for the healers were coming. As they walked through the city, people parted before them, making way for the magic they carried within themselves.

They approached the first wounded being, a werewolf with a comminuted fracture of the femur resulting in an open wound with exposed bone fragments, complicated by severe soft tissue damage and hemorrhage. The sight was enough to make even the most seasoned healer feel queasy.

The healers knelt beside the werewolf, their hands already glowing with a sickly green light. Employing their expertise in the field of magical orthopedics, they meticulously realigned the fractured bone fragments and applied their healing magic to repair the damaged soft tissues. The werewolf let out a howl of agony as the healers began to realign her shattered leg. The sound was gut-wrenching, a reminder of the violence that had taken place just moments before.

As the healers moved on to the next wounded being, they encountered an elf with an open chest wound and exposed organs, they diagnosed a laceration of the thoracic wall with subsequent perforation of the lung parenchyma and injury to the pulmonary vasculature. Their magical intervention resulted in the prompt cessation of the patient's hemothorax and restoration of the lung parenchyma to its anatomical integrity.

And then, with a sickening thud, the elf's chest cavity closed, his organs restored to their rightful place. The elf let out a ragged breath, his body heaving with exhaustion. He looked up at the healers with a sense of gratitude.

As Jae-sung gazed upon the aftermath of the conflict, he was filled with a sense of contentment, for it was in moments such as these that the true essence of humanity was revealed. A testament to the triumph of the spirit over the trials and tribulations of this mortal coil.

The dwarves, a hardy and inventive race, then embarked on a monumental task of rebuilding and terraforming the earth following the destruction. With a precision only attainable through the use of their earth-manipulation skills, the dwarves set about their work with a clear vision in mind.

Before beginning construction, the dwarves would visualize the final product in intricate detail, creating a visual diagram that would guide their work. This diagram, drawn with magic, would appear before their very eyes, allowing them to work with unrivaled accuracy and efficiency.

The process began with the excavation of the earth, removing any debris or rubble that had accumulated during the destruction. The dwarves then prepared a solid foundation, using vast amounts of cement to create a sturdy base.

With the foundation in place, the dwarves began the construction of their structures. Utilizing their skills, they molded the earth into intricate shapes and forms, each one a testament to their mastery of magic and their understanding of the architectural principles.

The final result was nothing short of stunning. The structures that the dwarves had created were not only functional, but also works of art, each one a symbol of their skill and determination.

The puppet, reduced to its base essence of liquid metal, flowed back towards Jae-sung like a river, merging with him through the orifices of his face. It was an unsettling experience, one that defied reason, leaving him with a feeling of unease. With this Jae-sung retired to his room after commemorating his comrades, deeply exhausted.

Jae-sung was later jolted from his slumber by a voice that echoed in his mind, yet when he frantically searched his surroundings, he could find no source of the mysterious voice.

"Hello, my name is Shigi," spoke the voice. "Forgive me for not introducing myself earlier, the moment simply did not seem appropriate."

Jae-sung was mystified to realize that the voice belonged to none other than the puppet, a mere construct, yet it now seemed to possess a life of its own.

With a trembling hand, he commanded the puppet to leave his body and materialize before him. The puppet obeyed, its metal form taking on the appearance flesh and blood as it stepped from the realm of the imagination into reality.

As he stood before the puppet, he couldn't help but ponder the mysteries of the human mind and the boundless potential. For who could have imagined that a mere puppet could awaken and possess a voice of its own?

He then opened his stat window and started experimenting.