
Upon the platform then emerged a woman from the United States, her feet bare as if in defiance of the earth itself. She seemed to float, ethereal and transcendent, while scales dangled from her hands, as if to weigh the very souls of those present. With an air of mystique, she introduced herself to the gathered assembly.

Following her, a disheveled man from Britain took to the stage, clad in his worn pajamas. His eyes were encircled by shadows, betraying the depths of his weariness. He spoke with a groggy voice, the words barely escaping his lips, "Oh, and I'm Ben."

The next to ascend the platform was a man of Russian descent, his demeanor chilling and his words calculated. "To kill is an art," he proclaimed, "and I, Koschei, a master of it. But it is not just about taking a life. It is about making it beautiful, a performance worthy of the stage."

From the distant lands of China, a brutish figure strode forth, his chipped sword a testament to the battles he had endured. He spoke with conviction, his words as sharp as his blade, "Strength is the only language worth speaking. Words are just noise to those who can't back them up with power."

Lastly, another enigmatic figure from China stepped upon the stage. This individual donned a plague doctor mask, a visage of silence and mystery, and without uttering a single word, he took his place among the others, the secrets of his heart and mind shrouded in silence.

Upon the windswept crags at the edge of the world, Jae-sung discovered a hidden cavern, shrouded in mystery and darkness. As he ventured into its depths, the shadows seemed to cling to him like tendrils of the unknown. In the heart of the cave, he found a pedestal, upon which a gem of unearthly brilliance lay. Unable to resist its allure, he reached for it, only to feel it burrow into his very flesh, a scarab sinking beneath his skin, bringing with it a shiver of primal fear.

"Legendary artifact acquired - Philosopher's Stone - S rank."

The gem awakened a power within him, amplifying his abilities and reshaping his very essence. As the cave revealed an exit, he emerged back into the world, finding himself in Seoul, at the very spot where his journey had begun. The weight of his newfound power rested heavily upon his shoulders, a burden reminiscent of Sisyphus, forever pushing his boulder up the mountain.

The world lay before him, as absurd and chaotic as ever, with no clear goals, no lines drawn between good and evil. And yet, Jae-sung knew one thing with certainty: the omnipresence of pain. He resolved to seek pleasure, the absence of pain, and to bring harmony to the discordant notes that echoed within the hearts of men, like keys upon a piano.

Eventually, Jae-sung reunited with Seo-yun, and as they embraced, she whispered, "You seem colder." Together with the companions he had gathered along the way, they formed a commune where Eamon, blessed with the ability to conjure gold from the ether, could provide for their needs. Jae-sung found solace in simple pleasures, savoring cheese and conversation, much like Epicurus himself.

Armed with the wisdom he had gained from his journey, Jae-sung strove to make the world a better place, one small step at a time. He remained pragmatic, mindful of the lessons of Machiavelli, ready to adapt to the challenges that lay ahead. He indulged in fleeting pleasures but knew that their pursuit often proved fruitless.

This is the end, for the author is no more.