Mixed Revelation

Name: Jae-Sung

Level: 34

Class: Ferromancer

HP: 322

MP: 297


Strength: 49

Stamina: 33

Agility: 45

Intelligence: 55


-Steel wire

-Metal body enhancement (Lvl. 3)

-Metal manipulation (Lvl. 2)

-Puppet alloy

Jae-sung noticed that his metal body enhancement had improved by a level, and he wasted no time in putting it to the test. With a quick invocation of his skill, he felt his body being transformed, as a massive armor began to sprout from his flesh. He was stunned to see a gargantuan construct towering over him. It was unlike anything he had ever seen before, a monster made of metal, with rivets and bolts.

The construct was immense, every inch of it rippling with strength and power. Its arms were like tree trunks, ending in hands that could crush boulders to dust. Its legs were like pillars, each one as thick as a small car and able to support the weight of the entire structure with ease. Its torso was like a fortress, a massive bastion of metal that could withstand even the most devastating of attacks.

As he tested out his new form, Jae-sung could feel the weight of the armor bearing down on him, inhibiting his mobility greatly. The ability to deal devastating blunt force attacks was not to be underestimated, for he knew that it could crush even the toughest of opponents. As Jae-sung bared witness upon the formidable construct before him, he saw its size may not have been as colossal as that of the giant Chibi, but its armor was no less impressive.

As Chibi and Chen gazed in awe at Jae-sung's newfound power, he merely brushed it off, and they continued on their journey before the sun began to set. But the shadow of danger loomed ahead, for they stumbled upon the monstrous beasts that infested these lands: the gargantuan beings with spiky carapaces and pincers. A fitting challenge for Jae-sung's burgeoning abilities.

Without a moment's hesitation, Jae-sung summoned his puppet, and as it mirrored his every power, he imbued it with the might of a colossal suit of armor. The puppet charged and swung its massive arms with the force of a battering ram, crushing the beasts' armor like brittle eggshells. No longer did they have to seek out the weak points or chinks in the crabs' carapaces, for the puppet's strikes resounded like sledge hammers. The ground shook as the four beasts writhed in agony, and soon, their reign of terror had been quelled by the might of Jae-sung and his puppet.

And as the sun's last embers faded and dusk engulfed the realm, the three wanderers hastened towards the chamber where they planned to spend the night before continuing their journey at daybreak. But fate had other plans, for their eyes were drawn skyward by a titanic figure that soared amidst the gathering twilight.

A creature of mythical proportions loomed before them, its form that of a chimera, a beast born of legend and superstition. Three heads, one of a lion, another of a goat, and the last of a wyvern, coalesced atop a muscular neck, each head glaring balefully at the trio below. A serpent's tail, sinewy and menacing, trailed in the creature's wake, whipping back and forth with deadly precision. And its gargantuan wings, stretching impossibly wide, blocked out the sky and eclipsed the stars.

Jae-sung, the sagacious of the group, discerned a glimmer of logic amidst the chaos. Though this monster could traverse great and vast distances in the sky, its terrestrial nature would ultimately force it to land, seek nourishment or shelter, or simply rest. They could only hope that such a landing would be far from their path, for the chimera's power and ferocity were legendary. It also signified the possibility of escape from the endless expanse of the unforgiving ocean and the promise of a new land.

With heavy hearts, the three companions sought refuge in the pocket room, where they might rest and prepare themselves for the dangers that lay ahead. Yet the image of the beast, haunting and otherworldly, lingered in their minds, warning them of the perils that awaited them in this unforgiving land.