Chapter 8 Revenge

It had been a few years since Shield discovered the existence of Wizards, and it was thanks to those Wizards who weren't the only magical being on Earth, and apart from Aliens, humans also had monstrous enemies on earth.

After a lot of contracts and handshakes, Shield was able to get a list of all the Wizards that ever existed from all Schools around the world, from the oldest school of Magic Uagadou to the most famous one Hogwarts.

And it was on this day that Natasha Romanoff was tasked with a very specific request.

Check on the so-called The Boy who lived, after his parents had died due to Voldemort, he had been given to his uncles, who apparently loved him dearly, but as usual, Shield needed to be sure, so after a lot of pressuring against Dumbledore, we were able to get the location where Harry was living.

Using some strings, I disguised myself as one of the bosses that are part of Harry's uncle's company and requested dinner at his house, this being the easiest and fastest way to get inside their house without attracting too much attention.

When I arrived I had the resist the urge of puking because of the amount of asslicking Harry's Uncle and Aunt were doing, and also restrain myself from slapping Harry's Cousin, the little shit thought he was God only because tomorrow is his birthday.

But apart from this what I immediately noticed was the lack of Harry Potter, and of any photo with him.

" I was aware that you had two sons," I told Vernon.

His visible flinched, panic overcoming his face.

" Ah Harry, he is currently at a friend's house." He told while stuttering, clearly saying the first lie that had popped into his mind.

"Oh really," I said while my stare was getting colder.

And then I felt it, a breath, coming from under the stairs, too loud to be a rat or a cat, it was human.

I restrained myself from going to look at what was the sound and instead continue gathering pieces of information.

" Well that's unfortunate, I wanted to meet the whole family of such a hard worker," I said with a fake smile.

" Oh you aren't missing anything, he is just a brat who should learn his place." He said, saying those words as if there was nothing wrong in saying them, which only made my disgust for him even bigger.

" Would it be ok to see the kid's room then?"

" That..." He didn't finish his words.

'... Don't tell me.'

Fearing the worst I got up from the table where I had been just offered a cup of tea and headed for the small room under the stairs.

" WAIT." Vernon and Petunia shouted while Dudley was just staring at the whole scene, too scared to even speak.

With an anger-fueled pull, I uprooted the locked door of the room.

And what appeared in front of me made memories that I had thought would never come out again flash through my eyes.

His long dark dirty hair, his dark green eyes, his white skin, his skeletal body, his old and baggy clothes, and the way he flinched when he saw a human, everything basically shouted abuse from one mile away.

I also noticed how his room was more of a broom closet than a room, with only a futon as a bed, no other furniture, and no type of toy that a 10-year-old kid would be covered with.





I didn't know how to react, seeing her calm smile, and how she was talking to me was a new experience, most adults until now either ignored or straight up abused me, soo seeing someone being... gentle, was strange.

" I can help you, just say the words." She said while my uncle started rushing towards us.

' She can help me... She can stop all of this... I can get revenge.'

Anger, all the anger that had been stuck inside of me until this day all exploded in just three simple words.

" Please help me," I said, while my eyes got darker for a split second,

She smiled, and just before Vernon got his fat hand on her shoulder, she got immediately up and punched him in his throat, next kneeing him in his nuts, and lastly hitting his head with her elbow.

While Petunia and Dudly rushed to Vernon's now unconscious body, she... Natasha took out a phone from her pocket and dialled a number.

" Coulson."


" Yes I found the kid, send a squad."


" I have no time to explain, just know that I had to take action."


" Perfect, we will wait."

She put the phone back in her pocket and helped me get out of my room, and just as we were about to get out, she walked back to Petunia and slapped her hard enough to make her faint, while Dudley simply fainted because of stress.

" Cool."

She turned towards me with a smile, my first smile that wasn't a sick one but an actual happy smile.

" I am glad you liked it."

Suddenly a black SUV parked right in front of the house, and a group of suit's wearing man came out, I used Observe on them, and apart from their name I couldn't get any information.

But when I saw the guy named Coulson get out I knew he was the leader, call it instinct but the dude had the aura of one.

" Agent Black Widow, that happened exactly?" He said after looking at me for less than five seconds, him having a similar reaction to the one of Natasha, am I that bad?

" He has been abused, for God's know how long, he lived inside a fuc... fudging under-stair closet, no light, no food from how his body looks, and surely no attention, I even suspect some physical abuse."

"... We will deal with this, get the kid inside your car and get him to the base." He said with a tone that gave me chills, if she was scary, this dude is even worse.

" You wanna go with me?" She asked me while extending her hand towards me.

I looked at the hand and then back at her and said:" Sure." While grabbing her hand.

When my hand came in contact with her, the heat coming from her hand was quite nice, and the feeling of taking your hand to not crush it but just hold it felt quite nice.

We got inside a sport car which apparently belonged to Natasha, and she started the engine.

" Want a Burger?"

"... Can I?"

She closed her eyes just for a second and the answered my question.

" Of course."

" Then sure, I have always wanted to try one."