Chapter 13 Bitch Slapping

After getting back to Olivander, we bought the wand I was actually more attached to, which by the way cost 50 times more than the one we had bought, and continued our research for school equipment.

While walking I decide to take a look at the traits I had gained.


Potter Household

You are seen as nobility by commoners, but actual nobles won't have as much respect due to the low power this household has, by having their blood cursing through your veins your talent in charms, wards, and runes have been boosted by 20%

Black Household

You are part of the Oldest and Noble household of the Black, commoners will look at you with reverence, while nobles will look at you with fear because of the power you hold, dementors won't attack you unless they are specifically asked to, by having their blood cursing through your veins your talent in curses, potions, and transfiguration by 20%


'Damn, these are some serious traits, boosting 6 whole areas, but what are dementors and why should they attack me? I look into it later.'

While wearing the rings we walked through the streets, stopping every time we found a place that sold what we looking for, by the end we had bought a cauldron made with Fire Steel, which could resist very high temperatures easily, a telescope that could easily fit in my pants pocket thanks to a rune inscribed on it, and crystal phials made of magical quarts, which made them near indestructible.

Lastly, we headed for my clothes, which I am still very reluctant to buy.

" I seriously have to wear a robe, a pointy hat, and a cape? What am I a cartoon wizard?"

" Unfortunately that's the dress code at Hogwarts, you have to resist only the first years, during your lasts years the dress code is less important, giving you a lot of freedom in how you dress, I can understand how you feel about robes, but they aren't that bad," Hagrid said

" *Sigh fine."

After the small conversation, which was followed by a snicker from Nat, we got inside a place called *Golden Silk*, which, using Hagrid's words, sold the best robes, capes, and gloves in all of England, plus most of their clothes were all infused with runes that prevented temperatures realeted problems, and the need to clean or iron them.

When we got inside I felt someone staring at me, and the same annoying feeling of absolutely not staring into his eyes came back, so I did just that and ignored the person staring at me.

But the person did the opposite and actually approached us.

" Harry Potter." The most disgusting voice I had ever heard suddenly said from behind us.

We turned towards the voice, me staring at his nose so as to not look at his eyes, and Hagrid spoke before anyone could.

" Malfoy, what do you want?"

" With you? Nothing, I would though like to talk with Harry, he is the boy who lived after all, it is an honour to meet him."

'It smells fishy from miles away, but using Observe after the experience with the Goblin is a risk.'

" And you brought a Muggle with you, what has Wizard's society fallen to for a lowly Muggle to come here."

' Ok fuck this shit.'

" It's Black."

" What?" Malfoy asked after hearing me.

" It's Harry James Potter Black, we aren't friends, so who gave you permission to call me Harry?" I told him straight in his face.

" I-" Before he could talk I interrupted him and continued.

" Also by insulting my guardian you are indirectly insulting me and the two households I represent, do you have the power to do such a thing? Or is your ego so big that it covers your eyes Malfoy?" My voice got colder with each word.

" You little-" He tried to move his cane towards me, maybe trying to hit me or something, unfortunately for him, I have a highly trained spy as a mother.

Before the cane could move an inch away from where it was, Nat had already imposed herself in front of me, looking at Malfoy's eyes with anger.

Malfoy stared at Nat for a few seconds expecting something to happen, but when nothing changed he got surprised.

" Hagrid, can Wizard read minds?"

" Why do you ask?"

" Because this piece of shit just tried to read mine."

Malfoy's face frowned at the statement, looks like he got caught.

'So that was the feeling I had gotten when I was stared at by him and the Goblin, is looking at my eyes a necessity? Can they also see memories or only thoughts? Emotions? Intentions? I have so many questions, can I protect myself from it? I must learn how to protect myself from it.'




" MALFOY, HOW DARE YOU TRY TO READ SOMEONE'S MIND IN BROAD DAYLIGHT?" Hagrid shouted on purpose, catching the attention of both people inside and outside the store.

" You dirty Half-Blood, I will remember this." He said while looking at me and getting out of the store.

After seeing Malfoy getting out Nat turned towards me and started reprehending me.

" That was stupid."

" She is right, he is powerful, and you are currently only a kid, even though you are a Black and a Potter you currently have no political and social power, we were lucky we are in a crowded place.

" He insulted you," I said towards Nat.

" A lot of people insulted me, but I become the bigger person by ignoring them, what you did might have brought us to a very bad situation, next time, don't attack unless you are sure you win, ok?"

"... Fine."

" Perfect, now let me dress you like a Wizard."

" Ughhhh."