Chapter 16 Hunting

One of the zombies lunged towards me, but with the upgrade, my reflexes had received, and the already present boost from my evading skill, I was able to easily evade the telegraphed lunge and shoot the precast Mana Bolt on the tip of my wand, making its head explode in the process.


+110 XP


While I started casting another Mana Bolt another zombie, with one close behind him, started rushing towards me.

Hoping in the piercing power of my arrow, I poured some other mana into it, making it start spinning faster, and then shot the arrow at the head of the first zombie.




The arrow didn't stop there, after piercing the head of the first zombie it penetrated the head of the second zombie, killing both of them with just one arrow


+210 XP

+1 Spinning Mana Arrow

+1 Aiming


The last started slowly walking towards me, in his mind, I was a piece of meat, no emotions or rationality were present in that mind, so even after seeing his three friends getting instantly killed he still dared to approach me.

Not wanting to waste too much mana, I cast a Mana Restraining on him and threw my knife towards his head, but due to the low quality the knife got stuck and didn't kill the zombie.

'* Sigh shitty weapon.'


You have learnt the skill of Throwing Lv.1

Due to previous experience, the skill got to level 12


I ignored the notification and cast a mana bolt with my free hand to make the hand of the zombie explode, like hell I would go near one of those things.

I took the knife from the ground and stored it in my inventory.


+120 XP

Level up

5 Status points


I decide to apply all my status points in Wis, considering how my mana was being sucked pretty fast, after raising it to 28, my mana regen reached 43,5, which means it would only take around 12 minutes to fully regenerate my MP to the max.

While waiting for my MP to regen I checked the loot I had gained from the zombie, and my attention got caught by one item.


Skill Book: Fireball

Requirements: 20 Int, 10 Mana Manipulation

Learn? YES/NO


After checking the previous notification, through a function I had discovered during the three days with Nat called Log, I saw that this loot had been rewarded through the activation of my luck stat which boosted the Loot from the corpse.

Happy with the spell I clicked yes and checked how good it was.


Fireball Lv.1

FIREBALL, Your control over mana enables you to change its property and make it turn into fire, next commanding the mana surrounding it you can shoot the fireball wherever you want.

Cost: 100 MP

Damage:(Int + Skill level x 2)= 54

Secondary effects: Burn status ( causes 1 HP of damage every 5 seconds until lift, can be stacked)

Area of Explosion: (Skill level) meters


' I think I will stick to my skill for now, this skill costs too much to be used frequently, but at least I can use it as a sure hot kill for stronger enemies.'

Now with full mana and the knowledge my luck can boost my Loot, I continued hunting, every once in a while getting out thus preventing a boss from ever spawning.





Level Up


'Finally level nine.' I thought with a smile, once again diving the 5 points between Int and Wis, a thing I had done for every level up until now.

Summoning a fireball I throw it towards the group that was getting too near for my comfort.

The explosion covered most of the zombies while the others got blown away and caught on fire, slowly chipping their health, and let me tell you rotten meat and fire don't go well together.

Happy with the arrival of the XP I wanted to check how much XP I would to reach level 10.

2 thousand XP

Twice the amount that I should have gotten if my levelling followed its normal progress, will Levelling become harder and harder, this means stats points will become harder to get, should I stop using them and train instead? But it takes more time than simply levelling up...

Needing time to think I got out of the dungeon, putting all my equipment in my inventory before going out, and started heading towards my house, only for something to cover my mouth and make me fall asleep.




An unknown amount of time later I opened my eyes, finding myself in a room similar to the one where Nat had brought me, but this felt colder and scarier, and the feeling only got worse when I saw my hands locked by handcuffs behind my back not letting me move my hands.

Suddenly the door of the room opened and a man wearing a green uniform with a strange symbol shaped like a skull with tentacles.

" You are awake."

" Who are you?" I asked, my voice unaffected by my raising anxiety.

" We are someone interested in your capabilities Mister Potter, interested in how you were able to survive a killing curse, how you killed someone stronger than you when you were just born, how you are Wizard."

" I don't know anything."

" We know, that's why we won't ask you, but your body."

The man got out of the room, and my cuffs were suddenly unlocked.

Before I could understand the situation, one of the walls opened, letting inside a scar-covered man wearing nothing more than a hospital gown.

The man lunged towards me and caught me by the neck, smashing my body against the wall and starting to strangle me.

I was dying, my HP getting reduced by the second because of the oxygen not reaching my head, but I was calm, I knew what I had to do, and I knew I would die if I didn't do it.

' Mana Bolt.'

From my hand a normal mana bolt appeared, blasting against the stomach of the man, creating a hole as big as a tennis ball.

The man got blasted against the table, before he could move again I once again cast the spell, this time aiming at his head.

Pieces of brain, bones, and blood, covered my body and face, and I felt disgusted.

'You did what you had to do.'

The words continued being repeated inside my mind, hoping that all of this would soon come to an end.

Only for another man to appear from the same wall.

" This is just the start Mister Potter, we still have several tests to do."