Chapter 1: The Boss of Nuoding Academy

Douluo Continent, Southwest Heaven Dou Empire, Fasinuo Province

For the remote Nuoding City, Nuoding Academy was undoubtedly the best Academy in the entire City, even though it was only a Primary Spirit Master Academy.

In a separate residence in Nuoding Academy, a boy of about five or six years old slowly withdrew his posture and exhaled a soft breath.

His name was Lu Yuan, a boy who had been found by the Dean of the Nuoding Academy when he was a newborn, and since he had no heir, he had adopted him six years ago.

Lu Yuan has been different from ordinary people since he was a child, his soul came from somewhere else, from a distant blue planet.

At first, he didn't know where he was until a middle-aged man with four glowing spirit rings killed a 500-year-old Saber-Toothed Tiger and a yellow aura floated out of its corpse, that's when he found out where he was, the Douluo Continent!

It was a magical world, with Spirit Masters and Spirit Beasts, with all kinds of magical Martial Souls, such as the divine purity of the Seraphim, the powerful mastery of the Clear Sky Hammer, the unrivaled support of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, and the sharp attacks of the Seven Kill Sword.

He remembered all of this from the first time he opened his eyes as a baby.

'I'm about to turn six, it's time to awaken my Martial Soul, I wonder what kind of Martial Soul I will be able to awaken?' Lu Yuan muttered to himself.

In the Douluo Continent, the innate spirit power of a martial soul basically determined the upper limit in the future. A Spirit Master with innate full spirit power could at least cultivate up to Spirit Saint as long as they cultivated step by step, and if they worked hard enough, it might not be impossible to reach Title Douluo.

A Spirit Master with first-level innate soul power would find it difficult to advance within the Spirit Ancestor, despite their best efforts.

As an example, consider a Grandmaster whom Lu Yuan was familiar with. Grandmaster had a Martial Soul of Luo San Pao, and possessed half-level innate spirit power. Without the aid of the Nine Treasure Purple Zoysia, he would have remained a Spirit Grand Master of rank 29 for the remainder of his life.

When it comes to his own Martial Soul, Lu Yuan's heart was still a little unsure, unlike the people of Douluo Continent, who have the martial soul genetics from their parents, he is from a different world and had no idea what martial soul he would have.

Lu Yuan just felt that he was different from ordinary people, his physical quality was far above what a boy of his age should have, and even some students of Nuoding Academy who had already reached Spirit Master were far inferior to him in physical quality.

Therefore, in his heart, he still had high expectations for his martial soul.

On the other hand, like many novel protagonists, he had his own system, only this system of his seemed to like to play dead, all it did was to give him a gift package, and then, he never heard about it again.

'Let's go take a look!' After finishing his daily practice, Lu Yuan enjoyed wandering around Nuoding Academy. His strong physical abilities and the rewards from the gift package had made him a well-known figure in the academy, even though he had not yet officially enrolled.

No matter which student met him, they would have to call him "Boss".

With light steps, Lu Yuan walked out of his small courtyard.

"Hello, Boss!"

Walking down the path of Nuoding Academy, all the students around him spontaneously called him Boss, and Lu Yuan nodded his head with a smile.

'Speaking of which, when did they start calling me Boss?' Lu Yuan tilted his head and thought about it.

'It seems it started when I taught that fellow Xiao Chenyu a lesson.'

Xiao Chenyu was the son of the Lord of Nuoding City, and relying on his father's power, he had misbehaved in the academy, and once even tried to mess with him, the result? He received a beating on the spot.

Since then, Lu Yuan has been called Boss by the students.

As Lu Yuan approached Grandmaster's small wooden house, he couldn't help but recall the many times he had sought the older man's advice on martial arts.

Grandmaster had a close friendship with Lu Yuan's foster father, the Dean of Nuoding Academy, and the two had always gotten along well. Grandmaster was a traditional scholar, while Lu Yuan possessed an exceptional talent for learning. But the most important thing was the recognition and support Lu Yuan gave to his Ten Core Competences, which made Lu Yuan earn the fondness of Grandmaster.

Thud! Suddenly, a loud thud interrupted Lu Yuan's thoughts. He turned to see Xiao Chenyu, a fellow student, standing on the head of a working student. The victim's tattered clothes indicated his lower social status.

Lu Yuan frowned, inside Nuoding Academy, the noble students looked down on the working students and even oppressed them, these situations happened from time to time and he was naturally aware of it.

It is normal that where there are people, there are fights, and conflicts between nobles and commoners have existed for a long time, so he does not usually worry about these things, and the teachers at the Academy are the same, they turn a blind eye.

But the way Xiao Chenyu stepped on the head of the other student was excessive and unacceptable.

After a pause, Lu Yuan walked towards the commotion.

"Wang Sheng, are you convinced!?" Xiao Chenyu was stepping on Wang Sheng, followed by his two lackeys, Liu Long and Ling Feng, who looked full of joy.

"I'm not convinced!" Wang Sheng struggled on the ground, but the significant disparity in their soul powers meant that he couldn't overpower Xiao Chenyu. Wang Sheng was only a rank 8 Spirit Scholar, while Xiao Chenyu was already a rank 11 Spirit Master.

"You're not convinced?" Xiao Chenyu let out a cruel laugh as he stomped hard on Wang Sheng's face.

"Stop!" Just as Xiao Chenyu was relishing in his actions, he was abruptly interrupted by a cold voice.

"Who dares to interrupt this young master's fun?" Xiao Chenyu turned his head with anger, but upon seeing Lu Yuan's face, his anger dissipated instantly.

With a forced smile on his face, Xiao Chenyu said flatteringly, "So it's Boss Lu, Little Brother Xiao Chenyu greets you."

Xiao Chenyu knew not to provoke Lu Yuan, as the brutal beating he had received from him had landed him in bed for half a month. He had complained to his father, the City Lord, but it was to no avail. His father, considering the prestige of the Dean of Nuoding Academy, not only didn't help him but gave him a stern lecture. Ever since then, every time he saw Lu Yuan, he felt like a mouse encountering a cat.

"Are you bullying the working students again?" Lu Yuan's face turned stern, and his cold gaze made Xiao Chenyu shiver.

He felt like he was being stared down by a sword and unconsciously shrank back, the memory of the beating he had received resurfaced in his mind...