Chapter 11: Wu of Dancing

When they returned to Nuoding Academy, the students had already started their regular classes.

"Old man, do I have to go to class?" Lu Yuan looked at Lu Feng unwillingly.

"At your current age, what do you want to do if you don't go to class?" said Lu Feng angrily.

"Fine!" Lu Yuan shrugged helplessly and said, "What class am I in?"

Although Nuoding Academy was only a Primary Spirit Master Academy, there were four classes in the first year.

"Class 1, of course!" said Lu Feng.

As the key class of Nuoding Academy, Class 1 had the highest overall strength of the students among the four classes, in which the innate spirit power of the students was generally rank 3 or above.

The rest of the classes, on the other hand, had students with somewhat uneven innate spirit power, some with only half rank or rank 1, others with rank 2, but usually no more than rank 4, so the students of Class 1 would generally have a feeling of superiority when facing the students of the other classes.

"Oh, that Tang San seems to be in Class 1 as well". Lu Feng seemed to remember something and said.

At those words, Lu Yuan nodded, despite others considering Blue Silver Grass a waste of Martial Soul, Tang San's innate full spirit power was enough for him to be placed in the top class.

"Get ready, you'll show up tomorrow!" Lu Feng said.

"Mhm! I know."


On a sunny morning, Class 1 was bustling with excitement as they eagerly awaited the arrival of a new student. As they chatted amongst themselves, their teacher, a distinguished Rank 21 Spirit Grand Master, walked in and called for their attention. "Class, today we have a new student joining us. Let's all give him a warm welcome!"

After the round of applause ended, the teacher continued, "Classmate, introduce yourself to everyone."

Lu Yuan walked up to the podium, looked at the group of children below, and said loudly, "Hello everyone, my name is Lu Yuan!".

One second, two seconds passed...

"Is it over?" The teacher's expression was a little dazed.

"Mmm!" Lu Yuan scratched his head and nodded; he couldn't think of anything else to say.

The teacher laughed awkwardly and was about to say something when she was interrupted by a loud laugh.

"Hehe, Xiao San, did you see how everyone's face looked? it's so hilarious!" A girl in the class couldn't help but giggle at the brevity of his introduction.

"Huh!" The teacher turned around and said in a reprimanding tone, "Keep quiet in class." Then she turned to look at Lu Yuan and said "Lu Yuan, you can go take a seat that is empty."

The girl stuck out her tongue, but no longer continued to laugh, instead, she leaned back on her chair, appearing to be very bored.

Lu Yuan nodded, his eyes roamed the room, and finally went to sit at an empty table somewhat near Tang San.

"Alright, students, let's begin today's lesson!". The teacher was still quite knowledgeable and knew quite a bit about Martial Souls, but to Lu Yuan, these were things he had already known for a long time.

Yawning with boredom, Lu Yuan began to look around.

It was then that he saw a girl who was looking around with the same boredom as he was. This girl was quite cute, she was wearing an impeccable short pink and orange dress with a scorpion braid and a carrot brooch on her chest. Her clothes looked like some kind of outfit.

'This is the girl who spoke earlier, sitting next to Tang San... this girl must be Xiao Wu!' When Xiao Wu turned to look in his direction, he smiled and nodded.

Xiao Wu tilted her pretty little head and softly asked Tang San beside her, "Xiao San, do you know about that Lu Yuan?".

Tang San, who was listening attentively to the class, bowed his head and said, "Yes, I've known him since that day when he went to get the first Spirit Ring with me."

"I see that he looks quite strong!" Xiao Wu's big eyes flickered, revealing a flash of light.

"Hmm!" Tang San paused and said, "He's very strong!" Thinking back to the scene where Lu Yuan had punched through a large tree with a single punch that day, a hint of wariness flashed across Tang San's eyes.

'Very strong!' Xiao Wu's eyes were almost twinkling at this moment as if she was thinking of some mischief.

Lu Yuan was really bored and drew on the table with a pencil, thinking about it now, it had been years since he had done this kind of thing, specifically since his previous life, and now that he was doing it again, it seemed kind of interesting.

The last time when he had hunted a spirit beast, his fine iron spear had been broken by a Prime Demon Ape's fist, so Lu Yuan had the idea to rebuild his weapon.

When he thought about it again, if he could have a harder and sharper spear, then when he stabbed the Prime Demon Ape's eye, it would not just be the wounded eye, but the whole head would have been pierced through.

Because he couldn't do it, the Prime Demon Ape almost left him half-dead.

Lu Yuan had nothing to do now, so he could use this time to design his own weapon.

With a pencil in his hand, Lu Yuan scribbled on his desk, sometimes with a frown, sometimes with a smile, making Xiao Wu, who was watching him, wonder if he had hit his head on something.

Soon the morning passed and the teacher finished teaching her class.

"Students, class is dismissed!" With the teacher's command, the students began to gather their belongings and make their way out of the classroom.

Lu Yuan stretched, having spent the morning working on a new spear design, he had a rough draft in his mind, but his stomach was now rumbling with hunger.

He decided to head to the cafeteria for lunch. Tang San and Xiao Wu, who were also ready to leave, fell in step with him as they made their way out of the classroom.

The three of them were leaving the classroom at the same time, so Lu Yuan took the initiative and asked.

"Shall we go together for lunch?" Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows.

"Sure!" Tang San replied.

"Hi, my name is Xiao Wu, Wu of Dancing!" Xiao Wu took the initiative to introduce herself, she looked very excited.

Lu Yuan turned to look at her.

"Nice to meet you, Xiao Wu. I'm Lu Yuan. Your name is unique and fitting, it suits you well." Lu Yuan replied with a faint smile.

Xiao Wu's face lit up with excitement as she heard the compliment on her name. "Thank you, Lu Yuan! Hehe, I already knew your name from when you introduced yourself in class. But your brief introduction was quite amusing, and that awkward look on the teacher's face was hilarious." She chuckled, her eyes sparkling like a mischievous little witch.

If the other 'little witch' was here, they would undoubtedly become the bane of every student in the Academy.

Feeling slightly embarrassed, Lu Yuan could only offer a weak smile.

Tang San shook his head helplessly and said, "Lu Yuan and Xiao Wu, let's hurry!"

The three of them walked side by side towards the cafeteria.

As the cafeteria was a bit far from the teaching building, the trio chatted and laughed as they made their way there.

"You still haven't eaten on the second floor, have you?" asked Lu Yuan.

For Tang San's family background, it was possible that the food prices on the second floor were too expensive, so he thought that Tang San and Xiao Wu would have no choice but to eat downstairs.

Indeed, Xiao Wu shook her head and said, "The food on the second floor is too expensive for us to afford." As she spoke, she gestured to her small money pouch in the shape of a rabbit, from which the glint of six silver coins was visible.

Tang San was taken aback and asked, "Xiao Wu, didn't you just receive your stipend yesterday? How did you manage to spend it all already?" He remembered that as soon as they returned from hunting the Spirit Ring, he followed Grandmaster's instructions and went to the Spirit Hall Branch to receive the stipend. When Xiao Wu heard that she could receive money, she also rushed to the Spirit Hall Branch to register, but Tang San didn't expect that one complete gold coin would turn into six silver coins after only one day...

Xiao Wu explained candidly, "I wanted to buy this outfit." With that, she struck a pose and showed off her beautiful new clothing.

Inwardly, Xiao Wu also felt a little embarrassed about her impulsive spending. She had only recently learned about money and couldn't help but fall in love with this outfit as soon as she saw it in a store on the way between the Academy and the Spirit Hall Branch.

Hearing Xiao Wu's words, Tang San also felt a little helpless.

Seeing the dejected expressions on their faces, Lu Yuan waved his hand and said with a smile, "Let's have lunch together on the second floor today, my treat!"

"Yes! Lu Yuan, you're so kind!" Xiao Wu was overjoyed, she had been dreaming of eating on the second floor for a long time, but she just didn't have the money.

Lu Yuan laughed at the excited Xiao Wu, he still didn't understand how girls' minds worked, preferring to buy beautiful clothes over delicious food.

"This wouldn't be good, would it?" Tang San was a little hesitant, he had never liked taking advantage of others.

"It's okay, it's just a meal, later, when you have money, you can invite me" Lu Yuan patted Tang San's shoulder and said.

At that, Tang San nodded, Lu Yuan had said that, so he couldn't refuse.

Finally, the three of them entered the second-floor cafeteria side by side...