Chapter 20: External Spirit Bone

After paying an initial deposit of 480 gold coins, Lu Yuan left the smithy. The formation of the weapon was not a one-day process, according to Tang San, it would take at least a week.


The day passed as usual, and since then, six days had passed.

Nuoding Academy students only had classes five days a week, with Saturday and Sunday being days off, but for Lu Yuan, whatever day of the week it was, his training did not stop.

Breathing heavily, it was the fortieth round this morning! Ever since he had awakened his martial soul, this was one of his mandatory daily lessons, running with weight!

Sheathed in a special 100-pound iron suit and running forty laps around Nuoding Academy, this was the goal he had set for himself.

Nuoding Academy was a huge place, from the main gate to the back of the hill, a distance of at least 2.5 kilometers, and forty laps were at least 100 kilometers. If one added weight, it was almost unimaginable for a normal person.

When Grandmaster heard about Lu Yuan's training, he was dumbfounded. Running 100 kilometers every morning was a huge challenge even for a Spirit Master, not to mention the added weight.

But Lu Yuan not only carried the weight, but he also did not use his soul power during the run, relying only on his physical qualities. It had to be said that this news made even the teachers feel horrified, and as they sighed at the monstrosity of the Golden Dragon's Martial Soul, they could not help but feel deep admiration for Lu Yuan's perseverance.

In fact, in the early days, Lu Yuan also found it hard to endure, he would faint after every run, and if not for the medicinal bath Lu Feng had prepared beforehand, he would have collapsed long ago.

After a few days, Lu Yuan felt more comfortable, and, after 40 laps, although he was still exhausted, he no longer fainted and his physical condition improved.


As he entered his room, exhausted from training, Lu Yuan was greeted by the rich aroma of the medicinal bath. Taking a moment to refresh himself under the smell, he turned to look at the girl sitting nearby.

She was a beautiful girl dressed in a short pink dress, wearing an adorable necklace of stars and hearts. Her arms were pressed against her chin and her eyes, which held a hint of reproach, were fixed on him.

"You dummy! It seems like all you know how to do is train all day. Besides studying, you still come with me to train in the evenings. That's not good." Despite the harshness of her words, the concern in her tone was undeniable.

Lu Yuan couldn't help but smile at her words. He had explained to her many times that nothing would happen to him, but she couldn't help but worry anyway.

He couldn't be angry with someone who cared about his well-being, especially since she was the only one who cared about him besides his foster father.

Xiao Wu jumped up from her seat and approached the medicinal bath, sniffing it carefully and nodding in satisfaction.

"You're just in time, the medicinal bath is on point," she said.

Inside the wooden barrel was dissolved a brown potion that had a remarkable effect on strengthening the body and recovering from fatigue.

Although it was called a potion, it was actually a mixture of herbs with healing properties.

This was a remedy that Lu Feng had obtained from Grandmaster, who, despite his low soul power, knew much more about these things than Lu Feng, who was a Spirit Ancestor.

After all, he was known to be a master of theory.

"Thank you for your help, Xiao Wu." Lu Yuan said as he reached over and affectionately patted her head.

On the days when she had free time, Xiao Wu would come to his room in advance and prepare the medicinal bath for him, knowing that the faster he took the bath after training, the greater the benefits would be for his body.

Lu Yuan, in turn, had also supported her by providing her with materials for her own medicinal baths, though hers was a diluted version and the amount should gradually increase as she grew older.

Xiao Wu smiled at him and walked towards the door, but before she opened it, she paused, then, she turned her head slowly to see that Lu Yuan was in the process of taking off his shirt. The sight of his toned back caused her cheeks to flush a light shade of pink. Embarrassed, she quickly opened the door and stepped out of the room.

Outside Lu Yuan's room, Lu Feng approached with an urgent expression, but upon seeing a girl with a scorpion braid exiting his son's room with a blush on her cheeks, he paused.

Noticing Lu Feng, Xiao Wu froze for a moment before quickly greeting him.

"X-Xiao Wu greets the Dean. Your son is currently taking a medicinal bath. If you'll excuse me, I'm late for class."

Without waiting for a response, she quickly walked away.

Lu Feng watched her leave with a perplexed expression.

'What class? Today is Saturday,' he thought to himself as he shook his head.

Knowing that his son was currently in the bath, he decided to come back later.


After being inside for an hour, Lu Yuan felt that his whole body was much more comfortable and the medicinal power of the potion had almost been absorbed.

Coming out of the medicinal bath, he put on a clean suit, and his whole body seemed fresher.

Just as he had finished changing clothes, Lu Feng entered.

Before Lu Yuan could greet him, Lu Feng spoke first.

"The Spirit Hall Branch has arrived with some news, three days from now, the Spirit Hall will send someone to pick you up and take you to Spirit City," said Lu Feng.

"…Three days later? I see." Lu Yuan nodded after a moment of silence.

Master Ma Xiu Nuo had told him that they would come for him in 2 to 3 months, but now, they would come just a month and a half later, from this one could tell how much importance the Spirit Hall placed on Lu Yuan.

Lu Feng looked at Lu Yuan with complicated eyes and also kept silent.

As the Dean of Nuoding Academy, he belonged to the Heaven Dou Empire and not the Spirit Hall, so in his heart, he was not very supportive of Lu Yuan's decision to join the Spirit Hall.

Seeing Lu Feng's expression, Lu Yuan knew what he was thinking and said, "Old man, do you think that with my talent, can I still have a chance to live if I don't join the Spirit Hall?".

Lu Feng was silent, Lu Yuan was not like Tang San and Xiao Wu, one had a Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul and the other was a Soft Bonned Rabbit Martial Soul, they were not very powerful Martial Souls, although they were Innate Full Spirit Power, the Spirit Hall would not care too much, but Lu Yuan was different, his Martial Soul was the Golden Dragon, the most powerful beast type Martial Soul, the people of the Spirit Hall would not let him go.

Although the people of Spirit Hall might not know the legend of the Golden Dragon, there is no shortage of knowledgeable people in Spirit Hall, and even if they have never seen such a powerful Martial Soul, they have surely heard of it.

So, from the moment Lu Yuan's Martial Soul was revealed, he was destined to join the Spirit Hall.

Moreover, the system's mission had to be accomplished.

Lu Feng had no way to refute Lu Yuan's words, he knew a little about what the Spirit Hall had done in the past few years, if one was a genius and did not join them, then one would be killed! Things like this happened almost every day on the Douluo Continent.

With Lu Yuan's talent, if he didn't join the Spirit Hall, he would inevitably attract the enmity of the Spirit Hall, and with Lu Feng's strength, he wouldn't be able to protect him.

"Alas, it all comes down to this!" Lu Feng sighed, disgusted for the first time at his own incompetence.

Seeing Lu Feng's bad mood, Lu Yuan attempted to lighten the mood, "There's nothing wrong with joining the Spirit Hall, with my talent, you shouldn't worry that I can't make a living in the Spirit Hall... so don't blame yourself."

"Let's hope so." Lu Feng waved his hand and said.

Lu Yuan smiled and suddenly remembered something and said, "Old Man, it's better not to spread this matter of joining the Spirit Hall, especially not to let Grandmaster know."

"Why?" Lu Feng was a little puzzled.

"You must have heard something about the grudge between Grandmaster and the Spirit Hall, right?" Lu Yuan asked.

Lu Feng nodded and said, "You don't need to say more, I understand and will keep it a secret."

"That's good!" Lu Yuan smirked, even if he joined the Spirit Hall, his identity could not be freely announced, maybe he would still need it in the future when performing some tasks, at least when interacting with Grandmaster, Tang San, and others, this Spirit Hall member identity would be quite inconvenient.

"But, you seem to be forgetting someone," Lu Feng said suddenly.

"Eh?" Lu Yuan asked, confused.

"Don't play dumb, I'm talking about the famous 'Supreme Sister' of the working students," Lu Feng said with a playful look.

"Oh..." Lu Yuan paused for a moment before looking at Lu Feng and saying, "I want to ask you a favor, old man."

"What is it?"

"I want you to take care of her," Lu Yuan said.

"You want me to take care of your little girl?" Lu Feng asked curiously.

"My little girl? What things are on your mind all day, old man? We're too young to think about such things, Xiao Wu and I are just friends," Lu Yuan said, shaking his head.

'I don't think your little friend thinks the same,' Lu Feng thought to himself, remembering Xiao Wu's recent behavior.

"Well, and how do you want me to take care of her?"

"I just need you to keep supplying her with the materials for her medicinal baths, and... don't tell her where I went either."

Lu Yuan thought for a moment and said.

With her reputation, no one would dare to mess with Xiao Wu at the Academy, so it was unnecessary to ask for anything more.

Lu Feng looked at his son with a significant expression but was not opposed to the request. He had a general understanding of the close relationship between the two and had observed the care and concern that Xiao Wu had for his son. If only they did not have to be separated and were a little older...

Sighing again, Lu Feng agreed to take care of Xiao Wu, and after looking carefully at the surroundings, Lu Feng took out a piece of bone from a palm that glowed with a ghostly light from his soul guide and handed it to Lu Yuan.

"This is…!?" Receiving the palm bone, Lu Yuan was stunned, this was no ordinary spirit bone, but an external spirit bone, where had Lu Feng gotten such a high-quality spirit bone from?

After carefully examining the spirit bone in his hand, Lu Yuan felt that the aura emanating from this spirit bone was somewhat familiar.

"This is the spirit bone of that Prime Demon Ape, I found it when you were absorbing the spirit ring and I kept it. It's time for you to absorb it." Lu Feng said, handing the bone over to Lu Yuan.

"But why don't you use it yourself? It would be a great boost to your strength," Lu Yuan asked, looking at his foster father.

"I am over sixty years old, I don't have much room for improvement in this life. It would be a waste if I absorb this spirit bone. You, on the other hand, are young and have unlimited potential. It's only fair that I give it to you," Lu Feng replied, his voice filled with conviction.

"Besides, if you absorb both the spirit ring and the spirit bone together, you'll get even more benefits."

"I'll protect you while you absorb it," Lu Feng added, his voice resolute.

Lu Yuan held the Prime Demon Ape's external spirit bone tightly, feeling deeply touched by his foster father's words.