Chapter 22: Exchange of Pointers in the Moonlight

It turned out that Tang San really didn't disappoint and was quite good at forging!

Looking at the magnificent and domineering spear in front of him, Lu Yuan felt very satisfied in his heart.

The spear was about two meters long, and on its silver-black body hovered a golden dragon, and each scale of the dragon was carved quite realistically. The weight of the weapon was not light either, no less than 300 pounds, even so, Lu Yuan held it in one hand very easily, which for him was perfect.

Had he held this weapon in his hand that day, he would have been able to take on Prime Demon Ape with much more ease. Although without that small defeat, it was possible that he might not have studied his own techniques as he had now, and even the training with Xiao Wu might have been set aside to increase the soul power faster. So, Lu Yuan did not feel regretful.

"Good spear!" Lu Yuan nonchalantly waved the spear and couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

"This little fellow is so strong" As the owner of Nuoding City's number one blacksmith shop, he had never seen a child with such strength, and this heavy 300-pound spear was like nothing in his hands, even Tang San, who had been born with divine strength, had quite a bit of difficulty moving this big spear.

"In fact, he is quite strong" Tang San nodded, this spear weighed 300 pounds, and thanks to cultivating the Mysterious Heaven Technique, he could barely move it, but if he wanted to use such a heavy spear as a weapon like Lu Yuan would, he was still far from being able to do so.

Lu Yuan smiled, took out a bag of money from his soul guide, and handed it to the blacksmith, saying, "Uncle, this is the rest of the final payment, count it and see if the figure is right."

"Okay." The blacksmith lifted the bag in his hand and felt the weight.

For someone like him, who had worked with metal all his life, he could basically determine how much a piece of metal weighed just by lifting it with his hand, and gold coins were naturally no exception.

"Thanks for everything, I'll be heading back first then." Seeing the blacksmith nod, Lu Yuan took his leave and prepared to depart.

"I'll accompany you back." For the past 7 days, Tang San had been in charge of casting Lu Yuan's spear, and with the casting completed today, his task was finished, so he could leave work early.

"Sure." With Lu Yuan carrying the Imperial Dragon Spear, and Tang San following him, amidst the stunned eyes of the crowd, the two returned to the Nuoding Academy together.

As he walked behind Lu Yuan, Tang San couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The powerful fist technique he had seen Lu Yuan use when attacking the Spirit Beast and even the Golden Dragon design on the Imperial Dragon Spear put Tang San in a strange mood since, according to him, these were all things that would only be found in his previous world.

'Lu Yuan's personality is so calm and he's so diligent, it's not something you often see in someone his age. And then there's Xiao Wu, who's lively and playful and doesn't like to cultivate. the last person I could suspect that is not a six-year-old child would be her'. Tang San thought confidently.

Tang San's thoughts, which were beginning to deviate towards Xiao Wu, caused him to quickly shake them off, as he refocused on Lu Yuan's back.

'Is he a reincarnator like me?'

After thinking about it for a long time, Tang San made up his mind and approached Lu Yuan, asking, "Lu Yuan, how about if we exchange pointers?"

"Exchange pointers?" Lu Yuan stopped dead in his tracks, surprised by Tang San's suggestion.

He knew that Tang San was aware of his strength, so why would he take the initiative to challenge him? It wasn't that he looked down on Tang San, but the gap between their abilities was too big.

The Martial Techniques of the Tang Sect and the Blue Silver Grass didn't pose a threat to him, and as for hidden weapons, those that could potentially harm him were not something Tang San could create at this moment.

But since Tang San had taken the initiative to exchange pointers with him, he wouldn't pass up the opportunity to fight against the protagonist of this world.

"Okay, let's do it." Lu Yuan nodded his head in agreement.

"Then tonight at nine o'clock, let's meet in the Academy courtyard?" Tang San proposed. At night there were fewer people, so they could engage in combat without interruption.

Lu Yuan nodded and turned to return to his residence.

Watching Lu Yuan's back, Tang San's eyes gleamed, 'Lu Yuan, are you and I the same kind of person?'


The evening was warm, and the sky was painted with hues of orange and pink as the sun set behind the Nuoding Academy. In the center of the courtyard, two figures stood facing each other, ready for a sparring match.

After she possessed her Martial Soul, a snow-white rabbit appeared behind Xiao Wu, at the same time furry ears protruded from her head.

"I'm going to start!" she announced, launching a fierce attack towards Lu Yuan. Her leg was directed with a powerful force, propelled by her rank 13 soul power, and it carried with it a whistling wind sound as she executed her Rabbit Kicking Eagle technique.

But Lu Yuan was ready for her, his agile and nimble body easily dodging her attack with a flick of his feet. He smiled, a faint curve on his lips as he watched her spin with her hands on the ground, sending one of her legs flying towards his face.

"Wow, Xiao Wu, you are more ruthless today!" he teased, dodging her attack once again.

Xiao Wu didn't give up, stomping her foot and charging towards Lu Yuan. He met her with his own Phoenix Dance Six Illusions body technique, and the two figures chased each other across the courtyard, their bodies moving with fluid grace.

After a few unsuccessful attempts, Xiao Wu stopped, her body slick with sweat. "Stop dodging already, just let me hit you a little," she said, frustration tinging her voice.

Lu Yuan's lips curved into a playful grin. "Eh? What I'm understanding is that you admit defeat."

"Admit defeat? Heh, I won't admit defeat! Let's continue!" Her determination was evident as she gestured for him to continue, but this time she didn't move to attack.

"Be careful then!" Lu Yuan warned, his speed increasing as he used his movement technique to its full potential.

Xiao Wu scanned her surroundings, analyzing his movements.

'He's here!' She kicked toward a seemingly empty space, where an illusory shadow suddenly appeared, her leg as powerful as a whip.

'I hit him! Hehe'. But her triumph was short-lived as the figure dissipated into an afterimage.

'Stinky Lu Yuan, I hate your damn shadows.' Xiao Wu cursed inwardly as a sense of reluctance surged in her heart as she felt a huge force appear on her back and lift her into the air.

Lu Yuan lifted Xiao Wu by the waist with one hand and said as he watched her scorpion braid sway, "Now, do you admit defeat?"

Xiao Wu struggled hard, but Lu Yuan's hand was like steel, not wavering in the slightest. Seeing that Lu Yuan was very cruel to her, Xiao Wu's eyes became teary, as she said in aggravation, "Woo... hateful Lu Yuan, you win, I admit defeat." Her crestfallen little face as she hovered in mid-air gave her a pitiful appearance.

Hearing her words full of grievances, Lu Yuan thought that he might have been too harsh on her, so he slowly lowered her down.

"Hehe! You fell into the trap". When Lu Yuan put her down on the ground, Xiao Wu suddenly turned to Lu Yuan with a mischievous smile, the scorpion braid on her head moved and wrapped around Lu Yuan's neck, and her foot collided with Lu Yuan's abdomen, while the spirit ring under her body lit up.

Using her first Spirit Skill, the power of her waist increased by 100%, even if Lu Yuan used his soul power to resist, It was enough for him to lose his balance and not be able to use that cheating skill of his and escape from her hands.

Xiao Wu let out a soft cry and her soul power circulated strongly, however, something strange happened, Lu Yuan's body did not move at all.

"How can it be?" Xiao Wu was shocked, the two had been training together for over a month, so, in the circumstance where Lu Yuan did not use his Martial Soul, Xiao Wu was completely sure that her plan would work.

But for some reason, her Waist Vow had failed today.

What Xiao Wu thought was not wrong, but that only applied to Lu Yuan before absorbing the External Spirit Bone, now, Lu Yuan's physical qualities had increased considerably after absorbing the External Spirit Bone, moreover, Lu Yuan would not be fooled so easily, so he never stopped circulating his soul power to defend himself from sneak attacks, which sent Xiao Wu's plans straight down the drain.

"Xiao Wu, you are not behaving well," Lu Yuan said as he grabbed her slender leg, which was still pressing his abdomen, and gently tossed it away. Because Xiao Wu was almost completely exhausted and was not prepared for this outcome, her buttocks directly came into close contact with the ground.

"Ouch!" Xiao Wu rubbed her butt, thinking, 'Stinky Lu Yuan, what if they become flat because of you?'

"Xiao Wu, admit defeat obediently!" Lu Yuan laughed lightly.

"Hmph!" Xiao Wu wasn't convinced. How could the gap between them increase so much overnight?

"Hehe, don't be grumpy. Let's finish here for today, you're already very tired." Lu Yuan said in a good mood.

Although Xiao Wu's agility improvement this month was amazing, allowing her to keep up with his body technique, it consumed too much stamina and put too much pressure on her body. He knew it was best to finish the training in advance.

"Hmm" Xiao Wu reluctantly nodded, but immediately her eyes lit up as she said. "Then accompany me here for a while I recover."

"This... that's fine". Lu Yuan thought about the exchange of pointers he would have with Tang San later in the night. Counting the time, there were still about 2 hours left for that, so he finally agreed.

"Hehe, Lu Yuan, you know, today morning, while you were taking your m-medicinal bath… I ran into that fellow Xiao Chenyu on my way to Room 7. That guy looked like he needed to lean on some students to be able to walk properly, however, as soon as he turned to look at me, his face paled as if he had seen a ghost, and apparently, a miracle happened, he broke free from the noble students he was leaning on and ran so fast that for a moment I thought he had developed some movement technique like yours, hehe". Xiao Wu sat with Lu Yuan on the grass in the courtyard, watching the moon slowly rising in the night sky. As they sat there in comfortable silence, Xiao Wu suddenly burst into laughter, recalling a humorous anecdote from earlier that day. And as she recounted the anecdote, she seemed to remember something that made her stutter slightly.

Lu Yuan turned to look at her pretty face, which seemed to be very cheerful as she told the story and then turned his head toward the moon that was beginning to illuminate the darkening sky, his eyes containing reluctance.