Chapter 31: Xie Guardian Family

Phoenix Village, Xu Fei's side.

Tang Qi was dead, and he had died an extremely gruesome death. A hyena had torn his body into pieces, and his internal organs were scattered across the ground. But instead of feeling disgusted, Xu Fei felt a sense of satisfaction. He knew that such a beast deserved the cruelest of death.

"Sigh, finally it's all over. Let me thank you again, Miss Xie Yeming. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid we would have been in great danger the moment we ran into these insane people," Xu Fei sighed as he spoke with the middle-aged woman named Xie Yeming. Despite being a Deacon of the Lord Spirit Hall, he still had to show respect to the person in front of him.

"It is you that I have to thank. If it wasn't for your bravery and sense of justice, my Young Miss would have been captured by these people," Xie Yeming replied in a flat tone, her facial expression remaining unperturbed.

Xie Yeming, clad in silver armor, was the last living guardian of the girl Lu Yuan had rescued, a rank 56 Spirit King!

She had recently killed the Spirit King from the other side and sensing the traces of the toxic pollen, she ran towards the place where the outbreak occurred and finally met Xu Fei. He guessed who she was and explained to her what had happened.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I must find my Young Miss. Will you come with me?" Since according to Xu Fei, both Lu Yuan and her Young Miss had escaped together, it was only natural for her to ask if Xu Fei would go with her.

"You can go ahead first. Resisting the toxic pollen consumed much of my soul power, it will take a period of time to recover," Knowing Lu Yuan's abilities, Xu Fei was in no hurry to look for him.

"Hm," Xie Yeming did not change her expression as she nodded. With a move of her feet, she turned into a black shadow that disappeared into the small forest in an instant. Her speed made it clear that Xie Yeming was an Agility Attack System Spirit Master!

After seeing the female Spirit King depart, Xu Fei closed his eyes to recover his soul power as he thought.

'That Martial Soul, and surname Xie... there is no room for doubt, that Spirit King belongs to the Xie Guardian Family.'

'The Xie Guardian Family, a family that was created by the Heaven Dou Royal Family in ancient times. This Family has only been entrusted with one mission for generations, which is to protect the Ye Family.'

'That means the girl that Lu Yuan saved should be the current holder of the Nine Heart Begonia Martial Soul, Ye Lingling!'

The Ye Family was quite unique, their inherited Martial Soul, the Nine Heart Begonia, could only be possessed by two Spirit Masters at the same time.

In addition, the Nine Heart Begonia had the peculiarity that, no matter how many Spirit Rings the Spirit Master absorbed, they only had one ability, which was healing!

The level of healing they could apply would depend on the amount of Spirit Rings, and their own intentions when applying the healing.

This, despite being a very powerful ability, made the Ye Family completely dependent on others for their survival. It was because of this that the Ye Family completely served the Royal Family of the Heaven Dou Empire in exchange for the protection provided by the Xie Guardian Family.

And it was at times like these, when the Ye Family got a new heir, that the Head of the Ye Family, Madam Ye, used to disappear from the public eye.

Xu Fei, despite being a Deacon of a Lord Spirit Hall, had access to limited information, so he did not know the specifics of this.

After regaining some of his soul power, Xu Fei came out of his thoughts as he opened his eyes, and just as he was about to head towards the forest, his expression changed.

This was because in front of him suddenly appeared a blond man with a long robe covering his entire body.

At the mere sight of this man, Xu Fei suddenly felt a great pressure, and his face began to turn pale as beads of sweat dripped from his body.

"W-Who are you?" Xu Fei managed to utter these words as he clenched his teeth tightly.

"Hmph, why haven't you knelt down yet?" Glaring at him, the blond-robed man spoke and a glow began to appear under his body.

2 Yellows, 3 purples, 4 blacks, a total of 9 Spirit Rings!

This could only mean that the blond man was a Title Douluo Powerhouse!

The pressure exerted by these 9 Spirit Rings was enough to make Xu Fei fall down hard on his knees, his knees even buried several inches into the ground.

"That's better, keke, there's no need for you to be afraid, I just came to ask you about the brat that comes with you, I need you to tell me everything about him". Said the blond-robed man as he chuckled disturbingly.

"What... do you want from him?" Despite knowing that he didn't have the qualifications to contradict a Title Douluo, he still tried to get an answer from the other party.

After all, he was a Spirit Hall Deacon and proudly represented his title, so even if he died, he couldn't let them taint the Spirit Hall's reputation.

Not to mention that Lu Yuan had enough talent and mentality to be a key figure within the Spirit Hall in the future, so he couldn't let them take him away just like that.

"Tsk, you still dare to question me, huh? If you were from another force, you would be dead right now". Finished speaking, the blond-robed man threw a token towards Xu Fei and no longer bothered to say anything else.

At the same time, the pressure on Xu Fei stopped, allowing him to take the token the blond-robed man had thrown at him.

Upon seeing the token, Xu Fei let out a cry of surprise, the token was actually from the Spirit Hall, and had all 6 symbols lit up. This made Xu Fei, who was no longer under the pressure of the blond-robed man, suddenly feel as if 50,000 pounds were pressing down on his body.

He immediately bowed his head with his body kneeling, as he said reverently and nervously, "This subordinate apologizes to the esteemed Elder for not recognizing you!"

Then he continued, "As the Elder requested, I will tell you everything I know about the boy." After this, Xu Fei began to tell all the information he had about Lu Yuan.

After listening to the narration, the blond-robed man spoke with a bit of surprise, "I didn't expect the brat to be only 6 years old."

"We will take the brat with us from now on, any objections?"

"This subordinate doesn't dare," Xu Fei replied humbly.

"Excellent, you have done well. Head to the nearest Spirit Hall Branch and report what happened immediately."

"Make sure to mention that it was Dark Spirit Masters who attacked the village," ordered the blond-robed man coolly.

'So, they really were Dark Spirit Masters,' Xu Fei thought in astonishment. As a Deacon of the Lord Spirit Hall, he had heard of the great name of the Dark Spirit Masters before.

"Leave it to me, Elder, I'll take care of it right away," Xu Fei said as he stood up, and after bowing, he headed straight for the carriage.

What about Lu Yuan? Xu Fei wasn't worried about something bad happening to him. The Spirit Hall Elder knew that Lu Yuan was coming with Xu Fei, so he must have seen much of what had happened just now. Now that they would be taking Lu Yuan with them, it meant that they had taken an interest in him. From Xu Fei's point of view, it was very good news for Lu Yuan.

The blond-robed man did not respond, and with a movement of his body, he turned into a shadow and disappeared from where he had been a moment ago.