Chapter 36: Bibi Dong’s Fury

Spirit City, Supreme Pontiff Palace.

One month after the devastating event in Phoenix Village.

Atop the throne, a woman sat quietly. Her beauty was apparent, with delicate skin and long rose-pink hair that was carefully styled. In her hand, she held a golden scepter firmly, while a nine-pointed purple-gold crown sat upon her head.

This woman was Bibi Dong, the Supreme Pontiff of the Spirit Hall.

"Your Eminence, we have gathered the information about what took place in Phoenix Village as you commanded," spoke a man with a high-pitched voice that seemed to imitate a female's.

"Speak, Yue Guan," Bibi Dong replied, her expression unchanging.

Several weeks prior, they had received reports of the massacre in Phoenix Village, as well as attacks on at least a dozen other villages. The Spirit Hall branches had managed to respond in time to most of the affected villages, so the number of casualties paled in comparison to the tragedy in Phoenix Village. It was clear that the Dark Spirit Master had targeted Bibi Dong's birthplace above all others.

"Your Eminence, it has been confirmed that Ye Clan's Young Miss, Ye Lingling was present in Phoenix Village at the time of the incident. Our investigations have revealed that the young geniuses of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy are undergoing solitary training at the Great Spirit Arena. However, Ye Lingling, being an Auxiliary System Spirit Master with no combat abilities, was exempt from this training and instead traveled to Phoenix Village during the time they were preparing the Begonia Brew."

Even though Xu Fei had reported that Ye Lingling was present in Phoenix Village, he wasn't entirely certain of this fact. As a result, it was only natural to carry out a thorough investigation to ascertain the truth.

"I see..." Briefly recalling the Begonia Brew that she used to taste in her childhood, a faint emotion appeared in Bibi Dong's tone of voice.

However, this emotion only appeared for a moment, and in the next instant, Bibi Dong continued in an indifferent voice, "Continue."

"We have hunted down all the Dark Spirit Masters involved, however, their leader never participated in any of the operations, so we still don't know his whereabouts..."

Bibi Dong's eyebrows furrowed at this news. "If they have not fulfilled the mission I assigned to them, why are you reporting to me?" she asked, clearly dissatisfied.

"It concerns the holder of the Golden Dragon, Lu Yuan," Replied Yue Guan.

"What about him? Have you found him?" Bibi Dong's interest was piqued as she asked, her tone urgent.

When news of Lu Yuan's exceptional talent reached the Supreme Pontiff Palace, Bibi Dong immediately ordered the Cardinals to bring the young genius to the Academy of Geniuses in Spirit City. However, the recent events in Phoenix Village, as well as Lu Yuan's sudden disappearance, had only fueled her anger.

"Gui Mei has been dispatched to search for Lu Yuan's whereabouts, but he has not yet returned. However, he has sent a letter with information from Xu Fei, the Deacon who was escorting Lu Yuan," explained Yue Guan as he respectfully handed the letter to Bibi Dong.

As Bibi Dong read the letter, her expression became increasingly dark, a clear indication of her growing anger.

Ghost Douluo traveled directly towards the Lord Spirit Hall of Fasinuo Province, where Xu Fei had returned to after reporting and assisting for a few days with the Dark Spirit Master investigation.

At first, when questioned by Ghost Douluo, Xu Fei was puzzled, but upon learning Ghost Douluo's identity, although he did not understand what was going on, he related the facts without hiding anything.

Previously, Xu Fei had omitted the information of Lu Yuan and the Spirit Hall Elder as he believed that this already belonged to high-level information that a Branch Spirit Hall was not qualified to know.

Through Xu Fei's description, Ghost Douluo immediately guessed what had happened, so he quickly sent a letter to report as he headed to Heaven Dou City.

If Ghost Douluo could guess what had happened, naturally, Bibi Dong could also guess it.

But before she could give an order, Chrysanthemum Douluo, seeing that Bibi Dong had finished reading the letter, continued speaking,

"Your Eminence, additionally, I received a letter from the Douluo Consecration Hall for you."

Receiving the letter with a bad feeling, Bibi Dong opened it and upon reading it, her eyes flickered with intense anger.


With a resounding crash, the scepter in her hand pounded against the ground, causing it to shake.

Chrysanthemum Douluo lowered his head, beads of sweat rolling down his pale face, though he did not read the letter from the Douluo Consecration Hall, with the news delivered by Ghost Douluo before, he could easily guess its contents.

'Renxue, Renxue... you've certainly played your cards well,'

'But do you truly believe I would surrender a prodigy like this child to your Qian Clan?' Bibi Dong thought with a hint of contempt.

Bibi Dong suppressed her anger and instructed Chrysanthemum Douluo, "Yue Guan, send a letter to Gui Mei. Tell him to discreetly monitor the child and gather every piece of information, no matter how trivial. Ensure he sends regular updates."

"As you command, Your Eminence." Chrysanthemum Douluo bowed and replied respectfully.

"Now go and tell Nana to come."

Chrysanthemum Douluo again replied respectfully and quickly left to carry out her orders.

A few minutes later, the sound of footsteps echoed outside the door of the Supreme Pontiff Palace, and as the door opened, a young girl of around 11 or 12 years old with a charming appearance and delicate features entered the room. She was wearing a short dress and stockings that exposed her long legs.

As she saw Bibi Dong sitting on the throne, the girl's face lit up with delight, and she happily ran to her. "Teacher, why did you call for me?" she asked with curiosity.

Bibi Dong's stern face softened upon seeing her disciple, and from her soul guide, she took out a document with the name "Lu Yuan" written on its cover page. She then said with a subtle smile, "Nana, I want you to meet someone..."


Heaven Dou City, outside of Qian Renxue's mansion.

It was a weekend, and Lu Yuan had completed three weeks of training with She Long. Today would mark the beginning of the second phase of Lu Yuan's training.

At the entrance of the mansion, a luxurious carriage was waiting to depart. Lu Yuan was conversing with Qian Renxue, eager to learn what the second phase of training entailed.

"Sister Xue'er, why don't you want to tell me what this second phase of training is?" Lu Yuan rolled his eyes at Qian Renxue, who liked to play mysterious.

"Hehe, She Long will explain it to you when you reach the destination. Everything has been prepared," Qian Renxue chuckled and ruffled Lu Yuan's hair.

Lu Yuan quickly dodged and no longer dared to ask her again, so he got into the carriage and when he saw the coachman, he was speechless.

"Uncle She, why are you going to drive while half naked? Even if you don't want face, I do."

She Long was only wearing pants and on his upper body he wore only a cross bandage that barely covered his chest, if they really went out like this, Lu Yuan worried that they would be mistaken for beggars who had stolen the carriage.

"Do you want a ride or not, brat?" Black lines appeared on She Long's forehead as he began to drive the carriage, in the weeks of spear practice, the two had forged a good friendship.

"I'll complete the training and return soon, Sister Xue'er!" Lu Yuan turned to look outside the carriage and saw Qian Renxue's beautiful figure in the distance. He called out goodbye with a loud voice.

Qian Renxue smiled and waved goodbye.