Chapter 47: Feng Yuyan, The Final Match

Lu Yuan's words struck a sore spot, causing Qin Yuan's face to turn cold and fierce.

"I will tear you apart!" He vowed.

"Tear me apart? I'm afraid you don't have the ability." Lu Yuan replied with a faint smile, his tone full of disdain.

"Combat begins!" declared Deputy Hal.

"Martial Soul Possession!" Both sides summoned their Martial Souls at the same time.

Behind Qin Yuan appeared a demonic wolf wreathed in blazing flames - his Purgatory Demon Wolf Martial Soul. While not as powerful as the Evil-Eyed White Tiger or the Silver Moon Sky Wolf, at the end of the day, it had reached the Top-Level and was quite powerful. Otherwise, Qin Yuan's Innate Spirit Power could not have reached Rank 8.

Two yellow Spirit Rings appeared under his body.

Lu Yuan's aura was even more extraordinary. Golden light radiated from him, and behind his back appeared his huge Golden Dragon Martial Soul. Its enormous wings flapped, causing a dragon roar to reverberate in all directions and filling the area with a powerful dragon aura that everyone present could feel.

The Golden Dragon Martial Soul possessed absolute suppression over beast-type Martial Souls, and before his training with Qian Renxue, Lu Yuan would not have been able to control it at will. However, now it was a trivial matter for him.

A Spirit Ring between yellow and purple emitted a faint glow under his body.

Although Lu Yuan was only a Rank 18 Spirit Master, the aura emanating from his body was far superior to Qin Yuan's.

Qin Yuan's expression turned grave; although he was a Spirit Grand Master, he would never underestimate Lu Yuan again.

"Lu Yuan, go for it!" Yuan Xin cheered from under the arena. He was still a little worried about this battle since he had never seen a Spirit Master defeat a Spirit Grand Master before.


Lu Yuan stomped hard on the ground, and with a single stomp, he and Qin Yuan's figures began to rapidly approach each other.

For Lu Yuan, his strongest point was always close combat.

"AHHHH!" Qin Yuan let out a loud shout as he brandished his wolf claws and charged towards Lu Yuan.


The dragon and wolf claws collided, sending out a shower of sparks.

Without backing down in the slightest, Lu Yuan's dragon claws opened, and his muscles tensed as his terrifying strength burst forth.

How could the Golden Dragon be stopped by a mere Qin Yuan?


The Golden Dragon's claw knocked Qin Yuan's palm back, causing him to lose his balance, and a knee strike hit his stomach, sending him several meters backward.

Even Qin Yuan, a Spirit Grand Master, would be quickly defeated once Lu Yuan started to get serious.

'Damn!' A sharp pain came from his abdomen, which caused Qin Yuan's face to turn ugly, in a single clash of claws, he was almost instantly defeated. His Purgatory Demon Wolf Martial Soul was almost completely crushed in terms of strength.

'No, I can't fight in strength against this brat!' Qin Yuan's mind began to work, and the power revealed by Lu Yuan's punch and kick was no longer inferior to that violent maniac Yan Xiang, who was much stronger than himself.

However, the strong point of Qin Yuan's Purgatory Demon Wolf had never been its strength.

Qin Yuan's first yellow soul ring glowed brightly.

A black flame surged from Qin Yuan's body towards Lu Yuan, but the latter dodged it effortlessly and swung his sharp dragon claws towards Qin Yuan.

A layer of black flames spread over Qin Yuan's body, and under the effect of this skill, his strength, speed, and defense increased by 50%, together with the flames protecting his body, which made it quite a powerful skill.

"Hm?" Crashing once again and sensing the substantially increased strength in Qin Yuan's body, Lu Yuan's eyes narrowed.

With his soul power circulating, he annihilated the residual burning flame in his hand, then smiled slightly, "Interesting, so this is all your strength?"

"Suffer death, Lu Yuan!" Qin Yuan's face twisted with fury, his eyes blazing with resentment as if he wanted to devour Lu Yuan whole.

"In that case, let's see if your words have any weight." The dragon's claw closed into a fist. This time he would use a portion of his true strength.

This strike came from the Mountain and Sea Fist technique.

Bang Bang Bang!

The two figures fought fiercely with each other as golden light and black flames clashed together.

The crowd under the arena had long since had their eyes wide open, battles like this were very rare in the Training Camp, and could be described as a fist-to-fist fight.

Lu Yuan and Qin Yuan began to engage in heavy clashes, with punches back and forth between the two, the fight was quite intense and had the students below roaring with excitement.

To the average student, the two in the arena appeared to be quite evenly matched, but in the eyes of true experts, Qin Yuan was actually at an absolute disadvantage.

This was because Qin Yuan had already used his full strength while Lu Yuan had not even used his Spirit Skill, moreover, Lu Yuan's clothes were intact, while Qin Yuan already had several scratch marks on his body.

The black demonic flame on Lu Yuan's hand was extinguished once again as he circulated the Pure Qi Sutra. During the battle with Qin Yuan, this demonic flame had been quite annoying, and without it, Qin Yuan would have been defeated long ago.

But now, Lu Yuan was tired of playing games and was going to put an end to this match.


The sound of cracking fingers could be heard as Lu Yuan clenched his fist. His palm, covered in golden scales, moved as it exploded with a low gusting sound, announcing that this would not be a simple punch.

However, Qin Yuan did not notice it in the slightest, and relying on his black flames, he launched another attack against Lu Yuan as he had done before.

Behind Lu Yuan's golden fist was 3,000 pounds of force. The wind blew fiercely in Qin Yuan's face as the extremely oppressive fist came into view.

Qin Yuan's heart raced with fear as he watched Lu Yuan's fist approach. He knew he was in trouble.

'This is bad!' he thought to himself, 'I won't be able to withstand that punch!'

But Qin Yuan was a Spirit Master of the Power Attack System after all. Speed was not his specialty, and even if he wanted to, he could not dodge the incoming punch.

In a hurry, he retracted both arms to protect his chest!


A figure was thrown straight out of the arena, and to no one's surprise, it was Qin Yuan.

Under the enormous strength of 3,000 pounds, even without using any Spirit Skill, Lu Yuan's punch was still enough to shatter Qin Yuan's defense.

Looking at Qin Yuan, who was crawling under the sand unable to get up, Lu Yuan did not feel the slightest sympathy for him. Who told him to provoke him for no reason?

Lu Yuan's face remained unchanged as he said in a light tone, "That was all your strength? You're really weak, you didn't even have the qualifications to make me use my Spirit Skill."


There was an instant silence outside the arena. This turn had come too fast!

Not long ago, it still seemed to be evenly matched, but in the blink of an eye, Qin Yuan had been brutally defeated and was still crawling under the arena.

Lu Yuan's punch was so powerful that, in addition to breaking both of Qin Yuan's arms, he also had at least a few broken ribs.

However, Qin Yuan's reputation in the Training Camp was too bad, so when he was seriously injured by Lu Yuan, the students not only did not blame Lu Yuan but also felt happy in their hearts.

Besides taking such an injury with him, the selection tournament would no longer have anything to do with him.

With Qin Yuan's defeat at the hands of Lu Yuan, there was no doubt that Lu Yuan would be a strong contender for the top three spots in the finals, and at the same time, his fame in the Training Camp became even greater.

With Lu Yuan's victory, the selection tournament was coming to an end, and only the grand finale was left.


Three days later.

Three of the four arenas had been dismantled, and now only one remained.

Those who had failed in the previous competitions had been expelled directly from the Camp, so apart from the 16 students who were participating in the final round, only the youngest students remained.

That was how cruel the Training Cap was.

Li Xin stood on a raised platform and addressed the students, "Congratulations on making it to the final round, you are the top sixteen students of the Training Camp. However, only the top ten are qualified to graduate. So, you still have one last step to go before you can emerge triumphant from here."

"The schedule for this final round will be divided into three days. On the first day, we will narrow down the sixteen students to eight. It will be eight groups, and the modality will be one vs. one. The winners will enter the top eight, and the losers will have access to a final competition for the remaining two places, the ninth and tenth position." Li Xin continued.

"On the second day, we will go from eight to four students. The winners will move on to the finals, and the losers will compete again to determine their exact ranking."

"On the last day, we will hold the championship, which this time will change the modality. Instead of one vs. one matches, it will be an all vs. all match. The last one left standing in the arena will be crowned the champion."

Li Xin's eyes sparkled as he added, "The Supreme Pontiff has decreed that the winner of this year's championship will be able to enter the Supreme Pontiff Palace and elect an Elder of their choice as their Teacher. So, I hope everyone will work hard to take this opportunity."

"I wish you all the best of luck, and may the best student win. With nothing more to say, let's commence the final rounds."

When Li Xin's words fell, many of the students couldn't help but breathe heavily. The top three in the Training Camp were qualified to join the Supreme Pontiff Palace, but they were only qualified to join, not to directly worship an Elder as a Teacher unless they were highly valued by them.

But now, this year's Champion could choose any Elder to be their Teacher, which was indeed a great reward in itself. If they could have an Elder as their mentor, then their status in the Spirit Hall would rise significantly.

Among the sixteen students, only Lin Feng, Yan Xiang, Feng Yuyan, and Lu Yuan had the greatest chance of winning the championship, so most students had their eyes on them. After all, their strength was much less compared to theirs.

'It would be best if they fought against each other first,' was the common thought of the students.

As they were looked at by the crowd, the four of them had different expressions.

Yan Xiang had an excited smile on his face, but his gaze was firm, and he would occasionally glance at Lu Yuan and Lin Feng with a cautious and solemn look.

Feng Yuyan, on the other hand, was scrutinizing Lu Yuan with a bright light in her eyes, but the other party completely ignored her.

Lin Feng was standing calmly, appearing aloof, but his breathing, which had always been steady, had increased a little.

Lu Yuan glanced at the three of them with a calm and collected demeanor, but his thoughts were churning.

It was likely that the others did not know, but Li Xin, who had trained him, knew most of his strengths. If it was one vs. one, he would be the winner without a doubt.

But now the modality had changed, and if he wanted to be the champion, he would most likely have to fight in a one vs. three, and by then, it would no longer be so easy to win, at least he would have to exert a little more effort.

This modality change could be due to Li Xin making things difficult for him, but Lu Yuan quickly dismissed it. It wasn't necessary for Li Xin to test him any more than he already had during the training.

But the most important thing lay in the change in the champion's reward from only being able to join the Supreme Pontiff Palace to being able to choose an Elder to worship as a Teacher.

The change in modality was definitely not Li Xin's intention, and it was more likely that, just like the change in the champion's reward, it came from the only person who had the power to change the reward of the Selection Tournament, the Supreme Pontiff.

'Is this a test of my strength, or is there something more significant at play?' Lu Yuan muttered to himself.


"The first match of the grand final officially begins; the first match will be between the students Li Tian and Zhang San!"

The grand final had begun, disappointing the other students as none of the four favorites clashed with each other.

This was not surprising since the four were the strongest and the camp instructors were not foolish enough to let them face each other early on.

Lu Yuan's opponent was a ten-year-old Rank 19 Spirit Master from the Yan Sect named Xiong Meng, with the same Martial Soul as Zhao Wuji from the original story.

It could be said that his strength was not bad in the Training Camp, but it was a pity that he encountered Lu Yuan.

Vigorous Vajra Bear was considered a high-level Martial Soul with great strength, but unfortunately, he encountered the Strength Ancestor and was crushed from start to finish.

Lin Feng's opponent was not that strong and was easily defeated.

To Lu Yuan's surprise, Qin Tian, whom he had not seen since he defeated him, was matched against Feng Yuyan.

Although Qin Tian's fate had not been as tragic as his older brother's, he had also been extremely unfortunate.

After several days of recovery, he had traveled out of the Camp to absorb a Spirit Ring to enter the ranks of the Spirit Grand Masters before the start of the Selection Tournament.

Unfortunately for him, several days passed and he was unable to find a Spirit Beast that suited him, so he had to return to the camp empty-handed.

After all, unless he wanted to ruin his potential, he couldn't just absorb a random spirit ring only for the Selection Tournament.

This had already had him depressed for some time, but now, his misfortune continued as he faced Feng Yuyan in the selection tournament. She seemed to hold a grudge against him and mercilessly humiliated him throughout the match, leaving him heavily injured and unable to compete in the rounds of the defeated students. As a result, he was practically expelled from the Training Camp.

Lu Yuan learned that this was because of some harassment that Qin Tian and his older brother had inflicted on the female students associated with Feng Yuyan's Purple Misty Hall.

Before with Qin Yuan's protection, Feng Yuyan had not been able to vent her anger, but now that the opportunity had presented itself, she showed no mercy.

Something Lu Yuan had not expected was that Yan Xiang's opponent would turn out to be Yuan Xin. This was the equivalent of a battle between the same side.

Yan Xiang's Martial Soul was the Green Thunder Elephant, a Top-Level beast-type Martial Soul, which was very powerful and could control the power of thunder, while Yuan Xin's Martial Soul was only the Purple Jade Bamboo, a high-level Martial Soul.

The result, naturally, was that Yuan Xin lost and Yan Xiang advanced to the next phase.

Lu Yuan could not help but sigh at this result. After all, the Training Camp was such a place.

Although it was worth mentioning that after fierce competition in the defeated student's rounds, Yuan Xin won tenth place at the cost of a serious injury, which was also a pleasant surprise.

After winning tenth place, Yuan Xin was very cheerful and gave encouragement to Lu Yuan before returning to his dormitory to recover from his injuries.

As a graduate and elite member of the younger generation, the Spirit Hall spared no effort in sending healing Spirit Masters to assist in his recovery. It was expected that he would fully recover in less than a week without any lasting after-effects.

Yuan Xin's journey might have ended here, but Lu Yuan's had only just begun!

The finals continued, and the top eight were no match for Lu Yuan, who passed with no problems.

Naturally, the other three had no obstacles either, all making it to the final four.


After the match that day.

Lu Yuan headed to the cafeteria for dinner. He casually packed a box of food to give to Yuan Xin before heading back to his dormitory.

The Training Camp was now quite empty, with only one or two people passing by from time to time, as most of the students had been expelled in successive rounds.

Since the cafeteria was nearby, Lu Yuan easily walked to his dormitory with the packed food in hand, straightening his clothes out of habit as he strolled down the hallway.

Suddenly, Lu Yuan's footsteps came to a halt.

"Did you become addicted to following me, Senior Feng?" he asked, his tone indifferent and unamused.

A crisp voice filled with a faint charm responded, "Hehe, little brother, your perception is as sharp as ever!" A beautiful figure materialized before Lu Yuan's eyes.

Her willowy eyebrows arched, framing a face as delicate as a piece of carved jade, and her long tresses of purple hair cascaded down to her waist, perfectly complementing her elegant purple dress. Even Lu Yuan couldn't deny that she was a stunning and alluring woman.

"Senior Feng, I wonder what fun you can find in following me around all the time?" Lu Yuan asked calmly, his eyes fixed on the woman in front of him. Despite her beauty, he remained unaffected.

If a woman wanted to move his heart, it would take more than beauty to do so. And stalking him every time he left his room certainly wasn't a good way to do it.

"Why so cold, little brother? You can call me Sister Feng, you know." Feng Yuyan pouted, her voice was flirtatious and with a hint of shyness in her tone.

Although the temptation that her voice exuded was undeniable, Lu Yuan remained unmoved by her charms.

Lu Yuan was not eager for female affection and having seen many beautiful women, he was not easily swayed by physical appearances.

Besides, he was in the final stage of his camp training and was more focused on achieving the championship than pursuing romantic interests.

Moreover, he found Feng Yuyan's reliance on her charm tiresome and unappealing.

While another boy his age might have been swayed by her charm, Lu Yuan was not so easily swayed.

"Senior Feng, if you have something to say, please tell me. Otherwise, I need to go back to my dormitory before my roommate's food gets cold." Lu Yuan spoke calmly.

Feng Yuyan's smile twisted slightly, feeling a growing frustration inside.

She had been trying to get closer to Lu Yuan for over a month now but to no avail. She couldn't believe that her charm had no effect on a boy as young as he was.

Despite this, Feng Yuyan remained persistent, almost to the point of obsession.

She had been so focused on trying to win Lu Yuan's affection that she failed to recognize how her initial curiosity had transformed into something much deeper and consuming...

However, what she wanted to tell him this time was something important, so Feng Yuyan finally spoke with a serious tone, "Lu Yuan, I want to talk to you about tomorrow's final."

"What's the matter with the final?" Lu Yuan asked, his tone carrying a hint of curiosity.

Feng Yuyan said, "Tomorrow's final will be an all-vs-all battle. I... was wondering if we could team up and eliminate the other two competitors first. What do you say?"

Although Feng Yuyan was uncertain of Lu Yuan's full strength, she knew that Lin Feng and Yan Xiang were formidable opponents, and defeating them would be a daunting task. However, by collaborating with Lu Yuan to eliminate these two competitors, only she and Lu Yuan would remain to vie for the championship. Feng Yuyan believed that she would have a better chance of winning the championship.

However, Feng Yuyan's hopes were quickly shattered.

"It's not necessary." Lu Yuan shook his head.

Feng Yuyan couldn't believe her ears. In her mind, Lu Yuan could not possibly reject her proposal.

"... W-What did you say?!" she asked in disbelief.

"I said it's - not - necessary." Lu Yuan said word for word.

"How can it not be necessary? Lu Yuan, listen to my analysis first!" Once she realized that Lu Yuan was not interested, Feng Yuyan became very anxious.

"Lin Feng is a Rank 22 Spirit Grand Master with a Ghost Panther Martial Soul, the top-ranked among us, known as the number one expert in the Training Camp. His speed, as you have seen, is very amazing. It is much more difficult to defeat him."

"Yan Xiang has a Green Thunder Elephant Martial Soul. He is very strong and can also control the power of thunder. His offensive power is extremely powerful, and even Lin Feng is not as good as him in that aspect. Trying to defeat him is also quite difficult."

"But it's different if we join forces. I am good at control, and you are good at strength. We may be able to take care of both of them. In the end, there will only be the two of us left, and then who becomes the champion will depend on our own ability!"

After Feng Yuyan finished her speech, she was very confident. She believed that after such a deep analysis, Lu Yuan would definitely agree to her request.

"Are you a fool?" However, the words that came out of Lu Yuan's mouth left Feng Yuyan's eyes wide open, filled with incomprehension.

"You are a Control System Spirit Master, so you don't need to engage in close combat. I will be the one putting in all the effort. Even if we eliminate Lin Feng and Yan Xiang, I will have expended a lot of soul power. You have considered this, right?" Lu Yuan continued.

"I-I..." Feng Yuyan wanted to deny it, but when she met Lu Yuan's gaze, she couldn't bring herself to speak.

She had, in fact, considered this when proposing their alliance. After defeating Lin Feng and Yan Xiang, she could use her advantage as a Control System Spirit Master, and with Lu Yuan exhausted, wouldn't her chances of winning the Championship be very high?

In fact, Feng Yuyan had thought far beyond just winning the championship. She had already envisioned a future where she would become a disciple of one of the Elders, and with that newfound status, she could take Lu Yuan under her wing as her assistant. As time passed, their relationship could deepen, and who knows what opportunities might arise from that, perhaps both of them...

Even if she didn't end up winning, helping Lu Yuan to victory would still leave a positive impression on him, and increase the chances of meeting again in the future. In any case, Feng Yuyan believed she had everything to gain and nothing to lose.

"I'm sorry, Senior Feng, but I have to decline your proposal," Lu Yuan said, firmly rejecting her offer.

Feng Yuyan was stunned but refused to give up.

"W-Whatever, It's still better than fighting alone, what if the two of them join forces?" she argued.

"If they join forces, so be it. What's there to fear?" Lu Yuan responded, looking straight into Feng Yuyan's eyes with a hint of arrogance.

She felt her heart skip a beat and her face flush, unsure if it was due to anger or something else.

"Oh right!" As if suddenly remembering something, Lu Yuan continued with a faint smile, "If you want, you can team up with them too. Three against one would be quite interesting, don't you think?"

"You...!" This time, Feng Yuyan became furious.

When Lu Yuan passed in front of her and continued on his way to his room, Feng Yuyan turned to look at him and stomped her foot as she said with restrained anger.

"You are too arrogant, Lu Yuan, you don't put any of us in your eyes at all. I hope you won't regret your words later." Finished saying this, she walked away with her fists clenched.

If Lu Yuan did not consider her worthy, then tomorrow she was determined to make him remember her for the rest of his life.

Feng Yuyan's threat only amused Lu Yuan, who shook his head with a smile.

Even if the three of them joined forces, he was confident that he would win in the end.

After returning to the dormitory, Lu Yuan chatted with Yuan Xin for a while before settling into meditation.

He spent the rest of the night in quiet contemplation.


The next day.

It was around eight o'clock in the morning when the crowd gathered again at the Training Camp for the final battle that would decide the champion. Despite the early hour, the arena was already crowded with all the remaining students, including the injured ones like Yuan Xin who refused to miss the tournament.

As Lu Yuan watched the three opponents jumping into the arena, he touched his ring, it seemed like he would have to use more of his cards today.

Each of them, Lin Feng, Yan Xiang, and Feng Yuyan, had their own unique strengths, making it challenging to fight them together.

Li Xin was at the top of the arena, and the atmosphere was quite lively at this moment.

He cleared his throat and took a step forward. "Students, after a brutal and intense round of selection, we now have only four contestants left."

"Lin Feng!"

In the arena, Lin Feng nodded his head.

"Yan Xiang!"

Yan Xiang revealed an honest smile.

"Feng Yuyan!"

Feng Yuyan smiled slightly, revealing a charm that bewitched everyone present, but her eyes were fixed on a figure standing in the distance.

"And finally, Lu Yuan!"

"Lu Yuan, go for it!" Yuan Xin waved his hand under the arena.

"Hm!" Lu Yuan revealed a smile and nodded.

"Today's match is mixed, there are no rules other than no poison or intentional death, after the match, the last student standing will be the winner of this tournament!"

Li Xin scanned the four of them with his eyes, "Are you all ready?"

"Yes!" The four nodded in unison.

"Good, then the competition officially begins!" Li Xin quickly exited the arena, and on top of it, only Lu Yuan and the other three remained.

Observing the three hesitant opponents, Lu Yuan smirked and made a sudden dash towards Lin Feng, ready to engage in combat with the one he was most interested in fighting.

"It seems we share the same thoughts," Lin Feng responded, refusing to show any signs of weakness.

Bang Bang Bang!

As their bodies clashed, they exchanged over a dozen moves in mere moments.

"Hehe, it's our turn to join in the fun!" Yan Xiang joined in, laughing loudly and charging towards the two.

Feng Yuyan's face showed a mix of emotions before a purple mist emanated from her body, and she conjured a purple rose in her right hand, with two yellow Spirit Rings faintly glowing below her.

It was her Martial Soul, the Purple Misty Rose, a top-level plant-type Martial Soul that possessed the abilities of illusion and poison.

The purple mist attacked them, slowly diffusing towards the three of them.


"Martial Soul Possession!"

The three of them simultaneously activated their Martial Souls, and five yellow Spirit Rings glowed brightly, signaling the start of the intense battle.

As Yan Xiang and Lu Yuan exchanged blows, Feng Yuyan watched intently from a distance, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Suddenly, she saw an opening in Lin Feng's defenses and quickly moved in, her Purple Misty Rose releasing a cloud of poisonous mist.

Lin Feng's eyes widened as the mist engulfed him, causing his movements to slow down. Taking advantage of this, Lu Yuan launched a powerful punch towards Lin Feng, who managed to dodge it with a spin.

But as Lu Yuan continued his assault, Yan Xiang suddenly appeared, throwing a powerful fist towards Lu Yuan's head.

Lu Yuan quickly reacted, clenching his right fist and using all his soul power to counter the attack.

The two fists collided with a loud crack, sending Yan Xiang flying backwards.

"Holy crap, that's quite a lot of strength!" Yan Xiang spoke in surprise as he steadied himself and shook his somewhat numb fist.

Lin Feng's face changed; Lu Yuan really must have had enormous strength to send Yan Xiang flying with a single punch.

Without paying too much attention to Yan Xiang, Lu Yuan's body continued to rush towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's foot movement changed; his figure became elusive. This was his first Spirit Skill, with the effects of stealth and increased speed.

Lin Feng split into several figures, and Lu Yuan's successive attacks only hit the afterimages, causing no damage to Lin Feng.

"Interesting!" Lu Yuan's footwork stopped; his figure turned ethereal.


His figure split into six, leaving behind several afterimages, instantly catching up to Lin Feng.

"What incredible speed!" Lu Yuan's fist brushed past Lin Feng's nose, and the sheer force of the wind caused Lin Feng's skin to break out in goosebumps.


As soon as Lu Yuan stepped forward, six residual images surrounded Lin Feng.

"This...!" Looking at the incredibly fast figures of the two not far away, Yan Xiang's scalp tingled a little, the speed of these two was too terrifying. He couldn't intervene at all!

But it seemed that Lin Feng was a bit slower, which made Yan Xiang's heart secretly startled.

Not only was Lu Yuan able to crush him in terms of strength, but he was also surpassing Lin Feng in terms of speed, he was a terrifying guy.

Under Lu Yuan's speed, Lin Feng felt great pressure and had to use his second Spirit Skill.

As an Agility Attack Spirit Master, he never thought that one day he would be crushed by a Power Attack System Spirit Master in terms of speed.

Lin Feng felt very frustrated at the thought of this.

Facing Lin Feng's ferocious claws, Lu Yuan did not back down and unleashed one of the Mountain and Sea Fist forms.

This Mountain and Sea Fist was extremely powerful, almost on par with a Spirit Skill.

However, although Lu Yuan had perfected the form, he lacked a deep understanding of its essence. It was understandable given that he had focused on his Martial Soul and spear techniques. Nevertheless, the time would come for him to fully comprehend this fist technique, and by then, it would be a valuable asset even in the Spirit King or Spirit Emperor realm.

Lin Feng's Ghost Panther Continuous Strikes was a flurry of ferocious claws, but it was no match for Lu Yuan's lightning-fast movements and overwhelming strength.

With a single punch, Lu Yuan easily nullified Lin Feng's attack and closed in on him with frightening speed.

Lin Feng barely had time to dodge, but the wind from Lu Yuan's punch still sent him flying several meters away, coughing up blood as he hit the ground.

Lu Yuan did not stop and continued to attack, seizing the moment to knock him out of the competition.


But before he could reach him, Lu Yuan was caught off guard by a sudden purple mist that enveloped him, emitting a sweet fragrance that made him feel dazed and disoriented.

He quickly activated the Pure Qi Sutra to clear his mind and shake off the effects of the mist.

But as he regained his bearings, Lu Yuan was surprised to find a fierce fist hurtling towards him.


With lightning reflexes, he crossed his arms in front of his chest to block the blow, but the force of the impact still sent him stumbling backwards seven steps before he regained his footing.

As the dust settled, Lu Yuan saw three figures standing before him.

Lin Feng had already stood up, and not far behind him was Feng Yuyan, while the one who had just punched him was Yan Xiang.

It turned out that Yan Xiang had seen Lu Yuan being controlled by Feng Yuyan's purple mist, so he had endured the pain in his body to move and attack him with his strongest punch, in order to knock him out with one punch, after all, he knew something about the hallucinogenic effect of Feng Yuyan's purple mist, having been classmates for more than three years.

However, the powerful punch only knocked Lu Yuan back seven steps, and he did not seem to have suffered any considerable injury.

"... How about we join forces to face him?" Feng Yuyan asked in a low voice, her fists unconsciously clenched.

Lu Yuan's strength was greater than she could have ever imagined, he alone had faced both Yan Xiang and Lin Feng, and the advantage over them had been obvious.

Moreover, her purple mist had also been very ineffective, and if Yan Xiang and Lin Feng were defeated, she wouldn't stand a chance against Lu Yuan for more than a few seconds.

As she thought back to the words she had spoken to him the day before, a flash of embarrassment couldn't help but appear in her gaze.

But since things had come to this point, what else could they do but join together to try to stand a chance?

Lin Feng and Yan Xiang thought the same thing, so after a small moment of silence, they slowly nodded. Lu Yuan had proven to be far above them, and if they didn't eliminate him, the Championship was destined to have nothing to do with them.

As Lu Yuan observed the three individuals who seemed to have reached a consensus, a faint smile crept onto his lips. Without hesitation, he retrieved the Imperial Dragon Spear from his ring, the long weapon glinting menacingly in the light. Dragging the spear along the ground, it scraped a semicircle, sending sparks flying in all directions.

"You should have united earlier," he spoke in a calm tone, his smile still lingering. "I've been waiting for this moment."

"Good boy!" Hearing Lu Yuan's arrogant words, Li Xin smiled slightly, 'The real battle has begun.'

Lin Feng's face looked indifferent, but a rage began to rise in his heart.

There was a time when he was the number one expert in the Training Camp, but now he had suffered a miserable defeat at the hands of Lu Yuan and had to go to the extreme of joining forces with others, even with his calm nature, he couldn't help but feel resentful in his heart.

"Move now!" After biting her lips hard, Feng Yuyan ordered with a shout.

As a Control System Spirit Master, staying in the back line, lending support and commanding was what she was best at.

"I'll go first, remember to back me up!" Yan Xiang said as he rushed towards Lu Yuan, as a strong Power Attack System Spirit Master, he was the one who would charge towards the front.

Looking at Yan Xiang who was heading towards him, Lu Yuan's face remained unchanged.

Actually, the three people formed quite a suitable combination, and their combined strength was not something that could be taken lightly.

This was Yan Xiang's first Spirit Skill, a pure power-type Spirit Skill.

With the inertia of charging forward and Yan Xiang's own strength, the power of this strike could not be underestimated.

But Lu Yuan remained calm, his spear horizontal and as swift as a dragon.

This move was from the Hanhai Spear Technique, an unstoppable thrust that not only had great strength but also an extraordinary skill.

The 300-pound Imperial Dragon Spear moved swiftly, and the two-meter-long body of the spear became weightless in Lu Yuan's hands.

The charge of the was powerful, but if he could not get close enough it would be useless, as well as a waste of soul power.

When he looked at the sharp tip of the Imperial Dragon Spear, Yan Xiang's hair stood on end.


With a swift swing of the spear, Yan Xiang's massive body was thrown back as he spat out a stream of blood from his mouth.

Feng Yuyan was quick to follow up on Yan Xiang's attack, her fingers dancing as she released her Spirit Skill, .

A cloud of purple mist began to gather, enveloping Lu Yuan's figure, but to her surprise, the mist was easily dissipated by the movement of his spear.

Not giving up, Feng Yuyan tried another tactic, calling forth her second Spirit Skill, .

A purple cloud formed over Lu Yuan's head, and poisonous purple drops rushed towards him, causing his movements to slow down for a moment, but within seconds, he was back to normal.

While Feng Yuyan was focusing on her Spirit Skills, Lu Yuan seized the opportunity to launch his own attack. The Imperial Dragon Spear in his hand glinted in the sunlight as he charged.

The spear moved with incredible speed, leaving a trail of afterimages as it stabbed towards Feng Yuyan.

With no time to dodge, Feng Yuyan braced herself for impact, but to her surprise, the attack was intercepted by Yan Xiang, who had managed to recover from Lu Yuan's previous strike.

Their combined efforts managed to push back Lu Yuan momentarily, but it was clear that he was still far stronger than the two of them combined.

Li Xin had a shocked expression on his face, he had thought that Lu Yuan's strength and speed were already his best cards, but he had never thought that such an exquisite spear technique existed.

'No wonder this kid could enter the Supreme Pontiff's eyes!' In Li Xin's opinion, the current Lu Yuan was a true prodigy, not only was his Martial Soul exceptionally powerful, but he also had a myriad of abilities, not to mention his strong will. Even the current golden generation was somewhat inferior.

He felt fortunate that his Spirit Hall had such a genius.

Li Xin was in awe, not to mention the students under the arena, who had long since been dumbfounded.

Yuan Xin had a strong look of astonishment in his eyes, this fellow student of his was truly heaven-defying.

Thinking of Lu Yuan's arrogant words the first day he entered the Training Camp, Yuan Xin had to admit that Lu Yuan was truly a monstrous genius that far surpassed the imagination of ordinary people.

The long spear was thrust out, accompanied by a powerful wind and the sound of waves crashing.

Each spear thrust was like the tide, continuous and uninterrupted.

Regardless of Yan Xiang's powerful attacks and lightning power, or Lin Feng's speed and aggression, under the spear technique that had no dead angles or loopholes, they were all ineffective.

In the arena, the four people had been fighting for more than a quarter of an hour. Yan Xiang and Lin Feng were restraining Lu Yuan, while Feng Yuyan was releasing poisonous mist to harass him. The three of them together had managed to restrain Lu Yuan, but they were only able to defend and not counterattack against Lu Yuan's increasingly fluent spear skill.


As Lu Yuan swung his spear, it clashed with Yan Xiang's elephant fist, sending sparks flying.

While Yan Xiang attacked at close range, Lin Feng launched attacks from a distance, and with Feng Yuyan's command, they managed to resist Lu Yuan's offensive.


A flying claw shot out from Lin Feng's hand, not only emitting almost no sound, but it was going at an extremely fast speed, making it difficult for an ordinary person to defend.

But Lu Yuan had a strong mental perception and fast reaction speed, so the flying claw could not threaten him.

Dodging Lin Feng's attack, a yellow light flashed from Lu Yuan's body, and he used his first Spirit Skill, .

Although in the name of the Golden Dragon Fist was the word "Fist", it was actually an amplification-type Spirit Skill. The current Golden Dragon Fist could increase his strength by 110% and his defense and speed by 55%.

Feng Yuyan quickly realized the danger and called out a warning to Yan Xiang. "Be careful!"

"No good, he needs support!" Lin Feng also recognized the threat and rushed to support Yan Xiang, pouring his soul power into the effort.

"With one move, I'll take care of all of you!"