Chapter 78: "Conflict?"

"Grandpa Crocodile, what do we do after we arrive at the Heaven Dou Empire's border city?" Lu Yuan nodded and inquired about Golden Crocodile's plans.

"Hm! Tonight, we'll find a random hotel to stay in the border city. What do you think, Xiao Yuan?"

"We'll go along with your arrangements, Grandpa Crocodile. I have no objections," Lu Yuan replied with a smile.

Golden Crocodile nodded, his gaze lingering on Hu Liena for a moment, as if he wanted to say something. However, after a brief hesitation, he refrained.

"Grandpa Crocodile?" Lu Yuan noticed Golden Crocodile's gaze on Hu Liena, and his brow furrowed slightly. He feigned ignorance and asked, "Is there something else you'd like to discuss?"

"Ahem! It's nothing..." Golden Crocodile murmured softly and withdrew, resuming his role as the driver.

Pondering, Lu Yuan blinked a couple of times. It seemed that Golden Crocodile had some kind of discontent regarding Hu Liena.

This might imply that Golden Crocodile was aware, to some extent, of his relationship with Qian Renxue.

If that were the case, then it made sense for Golden Crocodile to react the way he did upon seeing Hu Liena being so close to him.

Turning his attention to the still-sleeping Hu Liena, Lu Yuan's lips curved into a faint smile as he stroked her blonde hair. In his heart, he silently reassured her, 'Don't worry, Nana. With me here, no one will intimidate you.'

Despite spending over a year studying under Golden Crocodile and developing a fair amount of respect for him, Lu Yuan understood that Golden Crocodile's loyalty belonged to the Douluo Consecration Hall.

Regardless of what Lu Yuan did or said, Golden Crocodile would continue to disapprove of his relationship with Hu Liena. This was mainly because her presence might affect the relationship between him and Qian Renxue.

Golden Crocodile wouldn't go so far as to take extreme measures, but the idea of intimidating Hu Liena to make her more self-aware wasn't out of the question. He could probably come to think that this might pave the way for Qian Renxue to establish her position more easily in the future.

Of course, these were just fleeting thoughts in his mind and might never come to fruition.

Gently caressing Hu Liena's cheek, Lu Yuan felt the softness akin to silk. He whispered to her, "Nana, wake up. We're almost there."

"Hmmm..." Hu Liena opened her drowsy eyes, still half-asleep.

"What's the matter, Xiao Yuan? I'm still so sleepy, don't make too much noise..." Hu Liena pouted her red lips. One of her hands moved from Lu Yuan's waist to his chin, then proceeded to pinch and twist it a couple of times before she closed her eyes again.

'This girl...' Lu Yuan found her adorable and reached to tug at her ear. "Don't go back to sleep, Nana. We've already reached the border of the Heaven Dou Empire. Get up quickly; we're going to have dinner soon."

Being tugged by her ear, Hu Liena woke up instantly this time.

She got up and after feeling relieved that the pain in her lower body was no longer there. She yawned deeply a few times, then looked at Lu Yuan with an unhappy face and said, "Younger brother, I had just started sleeping. How come you say we've reached the border of the Heaven Dou Empire?"

Lu Yuan shook his head in a helpless manner. His big sister lacked experience traveling, and even more estimating travel times.

Lifting the curtain beside the carriage, he exclaimed, "Look at the sky's color outside. It's almost nightfall, and you're still sleeping."

"Eh!" Hu Liena perked up as she spotted the words "Jialing Pass" on the city gate.

Was this the Heaven Dou Empire's border?

"We've been traveling all day, and you must be hungry by now. We plan to stay at Jialing Pass, find a hotel, and have a proper meal." Seeing Hu Liena's excitement, Lu Yuan's tone softened.

"Oh, I am indeed quite hungry..." Hu Liena placed her hand on her flat abdomen. She had only eaten some dry rations at noon, so she was genuinely hungry.

"Hehe, you still blame me for waking you up?" Lu Yuan looked at her with a smile.

"Hmph, blame you!" Hu Liena stuck her tongue out at him, fully revealing her spoiled nature.

Lu Yuan gently flicked her smooth forehead with his right index finger and said, "Don't be so mischievous!"

"Ouch!" Hu Liena covered her forehead with her delicate hand, mock tears glistening in her eyes. "Younger Brother, did you really hit me?"

Her tone seemed to carry a great deal of grievance.

Watching her performance, Lu Yuan's mouth twitched. This actress was at it again.

Upon entering Jialing Pass, Golden Crocodile promptly found an upscale inn.

Given his status and discerning eye, he naturally wouldn't settle for an ordinary inn. If he was going to choose, it had to be the best.

However, since it was of higher quality, it tended to be more popular at times.

"Waiter, book three rooms!" Golden Crocodile instructed.

"I'm sorry, sir, we only have two rooms left," the waiter replied.

Golden Crocodile considered for a moment and then decided, "Alright then, book those two rooms. Xiao Yuan, you can bunk with me tonight. Let the young lady have her own room." A glint of shrewdness flashed in his eyes as he said this.

Based on his understanding, Lu Yuan seemed to have been sharing a room with that Hu Liena. This wouldn't do; young folks had energy to spare, and it was best to keep them separate.

Lu Yuan would not object to something so small; after all, they were only passing through and wouldn't be staying for long.

Just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Hu Liena.

"Worshipful Golden Crocodile, how about younger brother and I share a room? You see, he tends to toss and turn in his sleep, and I'm afraid he might interrupt your sleep." Hu Liena was especially sensitive. Women had instincts, and she sensed a subtle threat in Golden Crocodile's attempt to split her from Xiao Yuan. No way was she going to let that happen.

Lu Yuan turned to look at her wordlessly, 'Do I really toss and turn in my sleep? Aren't you describing yourself?'

Hu Liena's delicate hands immediately pinched the soft flesh around his waist in response to his gaze. Surprisingly, despite his physique, he couldn't help but wince in pain.

Pinching was the ultimate weapon in a woman's arsenal, and not even Lu Yuan was immune to it.



// For those of you who don't follow my other story and aren't aware of it, I just released the first chapters of my second main project, which you can find by searching "One Piece: The Pirate Princess Becomes King" or visiting my profile. Take a moment to check it out, and if you like the concept, consider adding it to your library, and don't forget to leave a comment!