Someone to Talk

Morgan took a sip of his drink and narrowed his eyes at her. "Do you think we look alike, Mel?"

Dangerous trap question! Uh oh, looks like she is about to enter the danger zone. Melody playfully took a sip of her drink and found herself caught in his intense stare.

Her eyes shone with determination as she spoke, her hands clasped in front of her. She leaned forward slightly, conveying her enthusiasm to Morgan. "Yes, Mr. Blodwyn," she said. "I think we're both ambitious people. Persistent in wanting something. The hunger I see in you... well, I recognize it because it's in me."

"I believe that we both have a drive to push ourselves to be the best we can be, not just in our careers but in life as a whole. It's not about chasing material possessions or climbing the social ladder, but about seeking meaningful experiences and personal growth. That's why I am so excited about the prospect of working for you." She paused, her gaze never leaving his face. "I know that I can learn a lot from you, and I'm ready to put in the hard work to prove myself."

As Melody spoke, his eyes grew darker and his fingers began to carefully rub the rim of his glass. She was aware that Morgan valued her hard work, her attention to detail in managing all his affairs, both personal and professional. She was willing to go the extra mile to ensure that his office and life were running seamlessly, despite the strain it placed on her.

Melody loved the warm surprise in his eyes even more at the unexpected business suggestion she was about to leave on his desk. He knew Morgan had implemented some of these and knew the man appreciated her more cost-effective suggestions.

However, the way Morgan was looking at her now... it seemed that she was looking at the same person. The heat in her stomach seemed to turn into burning coals.

"You know, I think I had underestimated you," Morgan said quietly.


Morgan spoke in a soft tone, "I realize that I didn't fully appreciate your abilities before now."

She responded with a hint of curiosity, "Oh, how so?"

He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "I mean, when I first hired you, I saw some potentials. But I had no idea how capable you actually are."

Melody smiled, feeling a sense of pride in herself. "Thank you. I try to give my best in everything I do."

"I can see that," Morgan said, a hint of admiration in his voice. "You're organized, efficient, and always one step ahead. You're a valuable asset to the company."

Her smile widened. "I appreciate that, Mr. Blodwyn. It means a lot coming from you."

Morgan leaned back in his chair, studying her with a thoughtful expression. "You know, if you keep this up, there's no telling how far you can go in this company. Or in any other company, for that matter."

Her heart swelled with excitement at the possibilities. "I'll do my best to prove myself, Mr. Blodwyn. Thank you for believing in me."

"Yes, anytime." Morgan made a request in a calm and collected manner, "By the way, feel free to call my name whenever we're alone." As he took another sip of his drink, he kept a steady gaze on her, almost like he was trying to read her thoughts.

Morgan expressed his curiosity, "You know what, I'm interested to know more about you, Mel. I've been trying to figure out about how is it that you have a different family name than Sarah's. Now that we have a chance, we can talk about it."

"Well, I'd be glad to tell you more about myself," Melody replied with a smile. "I was actually raised by the Kaisley family after my birth mother died of lung cancer when I was just seven years old. Unfortunately, my biological father had already left us before I was even born. But I was fortunate enough to have the Kaisley family take me in and raise me as their own. I'll be forever grateful for their love and support."

Morgan leaned forward, his interest piqued and his expression became solemn. "That must have been incredibly tough for you," he said softly. "Do you ever think about your birth parents?"

Her smile faltered for a moment before Melody regained her composure as she said, "Of course, I do. It's natural to think about my biological parents. It was definitely a difficult time, but I also feel so fortunate to have been raised by such loving and supportive parents. It's made me stronger in many ways. And I have Sarah, who is not just my sister but my best friend. So, in a way, I feel like I have two families."

Melody hesitated for a moment, her mind flashing back to the painful memories of her past. She didn't like to talk about her financial struggles she had to endure after her mother's passing. But she didn't want to come across as rude or ungrateful to Morgan, who had been nothing but kind to her since she started working for him. With a small sigh, she decided to keep it to herself.

Frankly, life hasn't always been easy for her. She was living in debt after her mother passed away, and was left with nothing. She had to work hard to support herself through college and then try to make a living in the city. It was a struggle at times, especially when she had to deal with the debts her parents left behind. But she'd learned to be resilient and resourceful, and she was determined to create a better life for herself.

As she spoke, Melody couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness and bitterness. She had always felt like an outsider in Sarah's privileged world, where money seemed to flow freely and problems could be solved with a simple swipe of a platinum debit card. But at the same time, she felt a fierce sense of pride in her own accomplishments and the strength she had gained from overcoming adversity.

Morgan nodded thoughtfully. "I can only imagine. And what led you to become my personal assistant?"

Her eyes brightened as Melody spoke about her passion for the job and the skills she had developed over the years. Morgan listened attentively as she spoke. "Actually, I initially pursued a career in telemarketing. But after some time, I realized that I wanted to work more directly with people and help them achieve their goals. That's when I transitioned into administrative work in the previous small trading company, and eventually landed my role as your personal assistant, thanks to Sarah's recommendation."

"Share with me about your boyfriend. Sarah mentioned you're not married yet," Morgan inquired.

"Are you sure you want to hear more about my personal life?"

"Of course," Morgan replied reassuringly. "I'm interested in getting to know more about you, Mel. If you're comfortable sharing, I would like to listen."