Interview Day

Right from the start, Melody's journey with Morgan began as soon as she stepped into his office.

With a nervous smile, she hopped out of the red SUV and tugged at her skirt, trying to settle her nerves. Taking a deep breath, her jaw dropped open in sheer disbelief.

"This is it!" Sarah Kaisley lowered her voice as she peered up at the magnificent building. It was a futuristic high-rise structure surrounded by a bunch of other high-rise buildings.

Its height gave the city a sense of security, with a vantage point that extended from the ocean to the city itself. Its glass facade was at least half a kilometer in height and sparkled during the day. The canvas wall glimmered with rainbow diamonds as the sun shone through.

The skyscraper as the city's beating architectural heart, was a marvel of modern engineering. With its miles of glass and gleaming steel, it was like a masterpiece to the modern age.

"Is this the right place?" Melody mumbled through her numbed lips. After double-checking the address, she turned her attention back to the building and pulled up the e-mail on her phone. Yep! This was indeed the correct address.

"Ugh, I'm so stupid!" she muttered to herself. "Sarah knows this place way better than I do, for sure."

She gingerly walked in the borrowed black heels, secretly hoping she wouldn't trip and fall on her face, landing in an embarrassing heap on the street.

Wearing heels was a whole new experience for her. In her previous job at the small office for the last two years, sneakers was the preferred footwear for employees to wear.

Taking a quick glance down at her skirt, Melody gave it a few last-minute adjustments, hoping it looked presentable enough. She was eager to impress her younger sister, Sarah Kaisley, with her outfit choice. Her eyes sparkled with pride as she stepped out, ready to start the day.

Finally landing an interview with Xicorra Corporation today was something Melody had been eagerly waiting for. She owed her sister big time for this opportunity, and having a sister with a rich billionaire boyfriend definitely had its perks.

"I got the skirt and blouse from that thrift shop across your apartment a few days ago," Melody explained, her eyes filled with excitement. At twenty-three, she seemed to have eyes that held a hint of weariness beyond her years.

Sarah just shot her a quick look before breaking into a smile.

"Yeah, the material is great, but the style is kinda old-fashioned. I managed to adjust the size, so the skirt fits better now and doesn't look so... worn out." Melody smoothed her hand down over the brown fabric. "Anyway, thanks for everything. You really shouldn't try hard to get me a job."

"Aw, don't mention it," Sarah replied with a wave of her hand. "I just wanted to help, you know? Plus, I know you'll rock that interview!"

"Thanks for lending me these heels for the interview." Melody glanced down at her borrowed footwear. "They're expensive, right? I promise I'll take good care of them."

Sarah chuckled, shaking her head. "Yeah, they cost a pretty penny, but it's fine. You can keep them for the interview. Just make sure to rock it! Remember, I didn't get you the job; I got you the interview. The rest is up to you. You'll need to get the actual job yourself."

Melody doubted her chances of success because she had done nothing with her education other than taking a low-paying job. For numerous reasons, this was an absolute necessity for her during the time she was earning her master's degree. Deep down though, she knew that she really needed to get a job and got back on her feet.

"I know how much you care for me for letting me stay with you these past years, right?" Melody said with her sweetest smile, hoping that her sister would be more lenient with her.

"We've all got our fingers crossed for your job interview today."

"Thanks, sister."

"I suppose 'sister' would be too much to manage."

Melody restrained herself from making the dreadful, habitual gesture of raising her hands at her sister. "While we haven't had much need to refer to each other as sisters for years, picking up the habit is easy if you want it."

She cleared her throat to get rid of the lump of emotion as she was genuinely proud of her sister that she could hardly stand it. She certainly had the feeling that she was homeless at the time. She had been staying at her sister's apartment each night for the past two years, eating her meals at the buffet line at the inexpensive restaurant across the street that catered to the neighborhood's low-income residents.

However, she had been toiling away, setting aside every single penny, and looking for odd jobs in order to earn a few extra bucks. Between the two of them, Sarah had scraped up enough money to buy an apartment. Even though Sarah will be 22 years old this year, she has already landed a fantastic position that paid well.

It was a good thing that Sarah had offered to stay with her while she was in Barringworth City since she had no idea what she would have done otherwise.

Sarah was exactly right; she did eventually require an immediate decent job. Melody was broke and was still trying to figure out what she wanted to do with her life, so it was a privilege that she was able to move in with her sister until she could get back on her feet financially. Therefore, she had no choice but to attend the interview.

The odds of Melody getting hired for the role of personal assistant were slim, but she figured she had nothing to lose by applying. She had to find a new job because the salary she was making as an administrative assistant at the other job wasn't enough to cover her expenses.

Standing here now, in the altered suit and borrowed shoes, Melody lifted her chin with determination. "I can do this!" she whispered fervently. "I can!"

The Xicorra Corporation office was located in a sleek and modern high-rise building, with expansive views of the city skyline. It was spacious and well-lit, with an open-concept design that encourages collaboration and communication.

As Melody entered the building, she first walked into the lobby, which was bright and welcoming. The floors were made of gleaming white marble, and there was a large reception desk manned by a friendly and efficient receptionist. The walls were adorned with abstract art and large, lush potted plants.

Xicorra Corporation had an access control system in place to regulate entry into the office. This involved a key card or biometric system that allowedbonly authorized personnel to enter the office. The access control system was integrated with a visitor management system that required visitors to sign in and obtain temporary access to the office.

Security personnel stationed at the entrance to the office to check the identification of employees and visitors before granting them entry. They also conduct bag checks or pat-downs to prevent unauthorized items from entering the office.

Melody saw some video surveillance system in place that monitors the exterior of the building, the entrance, and other key areas of the office. This could be used to identify any suspicious activity or potential threats before employees enter the office.

When she looked around the lobby, she saw possibly ten or twelve stunningly attractive women. It occurred to her that the company placed an emphasis on hiring attractive employees, or that the company was in a field that values physical appearance, such as modeling or entertainment.

Afterwards, they were all directed to report to the twenty-fifth floor and wait to be called in for an interview.

They were too busy primping to notice what was going on around them as they smoothed their shiny blonde or dark brown hair back over their shoulders or fluffed their locks to give them more volume. One of the women held up a mirror and pretended to be rehearsing for an audition by pursing her lips and fluttering her eyelashes.