Dead-End Meeting

Melody lived in an apartment within walking distance of her workplace, , which gave her the option to walk to work most days. This routine also allowed her to pick up breakfast for herself and Morgan on the way to the office.

However, today she decided against picking up anything for Morgan as she needed some extra time to clear her mind during her walk. To avoid any unwanted attention, she wore thick sunglasses that shielded her eyes from the sun and anyone who may try to catch her gaze.

As she walked, the cool autumn breeze blew through her hair, but it failed to alleviate the thoughts that were weighing her down. She wore dark sunglasses to protect her eyes from the sun and avoid unwanted attention from strangers.

The cool autumn breeze did little to ease her racing thoughts, but she was grateful for the few extra minutes to herself. As she approached the office building, she put on her game face, preparing to face the day ahead. The thick shades she wore provided a shield of anonymity, allowing her to avoid any unwanted attention.

She was greeted by the usual chaos of ringing phones and bustling employees. She made her way to her desk, ready to tackle the day's tasks, even though her mind couldn't help but drift back to the enigmatic Blodwyns and the potential trouble they could cause.

A few hours later, office door swung open with a violent force, causing Melody to flinch inwardly even though she maintained her composed and efficient demeanor.

She looked up to see Morgan storming into the room with a fierce scowl on his handsome face. "I swear, I want to strangle that bitch with her necklace," he seethed through gritted teeth.

She lifted her eyebrows in a questioning manner as Morgan marched past her and into his own office, giving her a sharp, menacing glare as he did so. His good-looking face was contorted with anger and determination.

Morgan barged into his own office and slammed the door shut with a resounding thud. "I don't want to be disturbed!" he growled. "By anyone!"

Melody let out a slow exhale and turned to Tyler Davis, the lawyer for Xicorra Corporation, who had just walked in. "I'm guessing the meeting with Owen Fitzgerald didn't go well?" she asked in a hushed voice.

"No, not quite." Tyler sat on the edge of her desk with a scowl on his face as he looked across at the empty space left by the closed door. He was in his early forties, tall, and blond.

Morgan and Tyler headed out earlier to meet Owen Fitzgerald, thinking that taking over his property was gonna be a piece of cake. They just had to sign some papers, that's it. But, based on what Morgan said when he came in and how angry he was, Melody thought it was definitely not just a formality!

"You didn't do anything wrong, right?" Because she also knew, after two years of being Morgan's personal assistant, that her boss worked his butt off and didn't tolerate any nonsense or slacking from others.

She meant, can she blame him? He's a total baller with a ton of companies and stuff going on, so he had a little time to deal with other people's mess-ups.

"Nah, thank goodness!" Tyler grinned ruefully.

"Who's the chick he wants to choke with her necklace?" Melody prompted knowingly.

Tyler gave a nod. "It's Olivia Gallagher."

Melody had initially been oblivious to the intense competition and enmity that existed between Xicorra Corporation and Gallagher Enterprises. As a personal assistant, she had focused solely on carrying out her duties diligently and earning the trust and approval of her boss, Morgan Blodwyn. However, as she delved deeper into the intricacies of the business world, she began to realize that the two companies were bitter rivals, each vying for dominance in the market.

Moreover, Olivia Gallagher, the head of Gallagher Enterprises, seemed to be a formidable opponent to Morgan. Not only was she a powerful figure in the industry, but she was also a significant shareholder in the company.

Melody had observed several heated exchanges between Morgan and Olivia regarding the acquisition of various businesses. It appeared that this was not the first time the two business leaders had come to blows over a deal.

Despite being new to the corporate world, she couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Olivia's tenacity and unwavering determination to succeed. At the same time, however, she remained fiercely loyal to Morgan, the man who had given her the opportunity to prove herself in the industry.

Melody scowled. "What the heck happened this time?"

Tyler gave a shrug. "She was able to outbid and outwit us." As Melody's gaze remained fixed on him, he added, "Yesterday, Owen Fitzgerald signed a contract with her."

Her scowl deepened. "Owen Fitzgerald? That's not good."

Tyler nodded while keeping his gaze fixed on the door Morgan had just firmly closed behind him and he nodded. "Yeah, he's been a thorn in Morgan's side for years. And now he's siding with Olivia."

"What are we going to do now?" Melody asked as she sighed heavily.

"We'll have to regroup and come up with a new strategy," Tyler replied confidently. "We can't let this defeat us. Morgan will have to make some tough decisions, but we'll figure it out."

She nodded slowly, still processing the latest blow to their company's plans. "I believe he has some ideas on how to proceed."

Tyler patted her on the shoulder reassuringly. "Don't worry, Melody. We'll get through this together."

Melody looked at him with a questioning expression as he said exactly what she was thinking.

"Eh, it's no big deal," Tyler said as he got up. "Well, there's no point in me sticking around here. Might as well head back to my own office and shred these useless contracts!" He grabbed his briefcase from Melody's desk and headed to his own office down the hall.

Melody still frowned as she saw Tyler leave. Morgan losing another business because Olivia Gallagher outmaneuverred him must be a coincidence, right? If the responsibility was placed on anyone but Morgan, their honesty and reliability would be called into question. Such as herself included.

She had made the decision to meet with Morgan and discuss the information she had discovered in the confidential file. She felt it was necessary to report her findings to him, despite the potential risks and consequences.

She believed that the information she had uncovered could have significant implications for Morgan and their company, and therefore felt it was her responsibility to share it with him. 

However, her resolve wavered after seeing Morgan's volatile behavior upon his return to the office after the dead-end meeting. His boss tantrum made her question whether it was the right time to approach him with the information.

She knew that Morgan could be unpredictable when he was in a bad mood, and she didn't want to risk becoming the target of his wrath. She decided to wait until he was in a better state of mind before approaching him with the confidential information.