Unspoken Tensions

The weight of the secret burdened her, and Melody wondered how long she could keep up the façade before everything unraveled. Deep down, she feared that the consequences of their actions in London would catch up to them sooner or later, shattering the fragile peace they had managed to maintain.

Melody let out a heavy sigh, and her voice had a mix of determination and worry in it. "I understand your concerns, and I promise that I will talk to him when things calm down and he is in a better mood," she reassured Mason and Celia. "I believe it's important to deal with the underlying issues and find a resolution. Until then, let's focus on supporting each other and maintaining a productive work environment."

Her words carried a glimmer of hope, but Melody couldn't help but wonder how and when she would find the right moment to confront Morgan about this tense situation and their shared secrets.