[Bonus chapter] The Weight of Memories

Even when Morgan was quiet, he was still very much there when they talked. His eyes stayed on Melody like a magnet, carrying a mix of feelings that he tried hard to hide.

There was a hint of longing, a trace of sorrow, and a hint of something deeper that he couldn't quite put into words. Even though he didn't say anything, his eyes said a lot. They showed a link that went beyond what was being said.

Throughout the evening, his gaze continually returned to Melody, a new appreciation shining in his eyes. He observed her conversations about music with others, the way her face lit up with passion, and the enthusiasm that infused her voice. The depth of her connection to music became clearer to him, and he realized that it was an integral part of her identity.

Melody turned to Alexia and asked, her voice filled with curiosity and a longing to understand the story behind her unique name. "Alexia, please tell me about how she chose the last name Brynleigh for me."