New Beginning

All men were bastards!

That's how it seemed.

As Melody immersed herself in the town's natural scene by the window, she couldn't help but feel a pang of bitterness. Yet, as she gently caressed her growing belly, knowing that a little boy rested within, a flicker of hope and uncertainty filled her heart.

Would her little boy break the curse?

Only time would tell.

Well, fine! She would've loved her baby no matter its gender. 

It was impossible not to feel love for this little being growing inside her that constantly wiggling around and giving her little hiccups at the most unexpected times.

Melody couldn't help but be relieved that she wouldn't have to watch him grow up and potentially face the challenges and disappointments that some people can bring. She wanted to protect her child from the world, to shield him from becoming one of those bastards.