Shocking Incident

Morgan hesitated, unsure if he should keep an eye on the woman or approach her. A mix of caution and restlessness held him back. The fear of disappointment and rejection lingered in his mind, causing him to second-guess his next move.

The weight of the unknown loomed heavily upon him, making him question whether it was wise to approach the woman without a clearer sense of purpose. His gaze remained fixed on the woman from a distance, his mind racing with unanswered questions.

In the end, he made the difficult decision to withhold his approach. It was not the right time or place, and the uncertainty surrounding the woman left him cautious. Instead, he resolved to continue his search, gathering more information before making a decisive move.

However, he decided to follow her discreetly, driving his car to maintain a safe distance.

He saw the woman pushing the baby stroller through the peaceful park, surrounded by tranquility.