
Meanwhile, in another part of Silkhaven, Morgan's mind swirled with a mix of disbelief and realization as he processed the information he had just heard from the woman. It was a truth he had suspected deep down, but hearing it confirmed shook him to the core.

So, the missing baby was Melody's child? Their son?

The weight of the revelation threatened to shatter the carefully constructed illusions he had clung to for so long. Emotions swirled within him, ranging from anger and betrayal to a profound sense of loss.

Doubt laced his voice as he posed a question filled with uncertainty.

"Are you absolutely sure that the child is her son?"

His words showed a mix of doubt and anticipation as he tried to deal with the idea that he might have been wrong about what he thought. He wanted to know for sure, to find out the truth and get rid of the questions that were bothering him.