The Prominent Family in Town

Melody took a quick peek at the Montegueauxs, looking pretty interested. They totally stood out, and she couldn't help but wonder what brought them together in such place.

She noticed how they were laughing and joking around, and it made her curious about their connection. She was nervous as she watched them from a distance, totally stoked to find out more about the awesome group.

Max noticed the curiosity in her eyes and couldn't resist teasing her a bit. He flashed a mischievous grin and leaned closer to her.

"What's up, babe? You look like you're trying to solve a mystery over there." He teased, nudging her gently. "Don't worry about them, you won't have to deal with any of the formalities tonight. Just enjoy the company and the desserts." 

Melody ignored his playful teasing and shook her head. "I was just curious about who they are, that's all."

"Want to go over and say hello to them?" He gave her another playful wink.