The Visit

Morgan walked into the elegant study and took in the ambiance of the room. Warm colors on the walls went well with the rich wood furniture with detailed carvings.

The walls were lined with bookshelves that held an amazing collection of leather-bound books and old things. Lamps with fancy designs give off a soft glow that adds to the room's elegant feel.

He heard from Oliver that the Blackthorne estate had a long and famous past, and the study had an air of quiet elegance.

With a subtle clearing of his throat, he offered his hand to Edward in a cordial greeting. "I'm Dorian Montegueaux. It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person."

Edward's firm handshake matched the intensity of his gaze as he assessed the man before him. "Dorian, the pleasure is mine. I didn't expect a Montegueaux to visit my home. I must admit, you are not a familiar face to me. What brings you here?"