The New Findings

Oliver's voice crackled through the phone, his tone measured and deliberate. "Our informant did some digging into Melody Brynleigh. You know the Grimshaws? Well, I came across some interesting connections that might be worth exploring."

Morgan's eyebrows furrowed as he absorbed the information. The Grimshaws were a powerful and elusive family with fingers in various pies across the city. Any connection to them was not to be taken lightly, and Oliver's revelation had the potential to unveil a complex web of intrigue.

"I'm listening, Oliver. Tell me about these connections."

"Guess what, Dorian? Melody has been spotted making visits to the Grimshaw estate." Oliver spilled, sounding like he was sharing the juiciest gossip in town.

Morgan's curiosity was quickly peaked. The Grimshaw estate? That's like the holy grail of mysterious places. It would be like finding a secret treasure if Melody was sneaking around there.

"Seriously? Tell me everything."