The Proposal

Anger burst out of Morgan in waves, like an electric charge that seemed to fill the air around them for good. His blue eyes sparkled like cold fire, like ice chips that glowed with the colors of the northern lights.

Melody looked up at his intense blue eyes and shivered. This wasn't the same guy who had touched her so intimately, who fucked her, who had shattered her heart and her world. 

The guy standing there was totally different from the one she'd known. It was like he was wearing a mask of anger and hiding his real feelings. One could almost touch the anger in the air–it was so thick. And she was in the middle of it.

She saw a wounded man before her, a man who had been scarred not only by her actions but by the twists and turns of life itself. She realized that she was standing in front of a different Morgan, a man shaped by his experiences, hardened by pain, and haunted by regrets.