
In fact, panic rose up in her chest. She had secrets. A very big, yet very tiny secret. But she couldn't tell him. She couldn't tell anyone. This secret wasn't going to last, and she couldn't get her hopes up.

She just forced a smile. The weight of her hidden truth was becoming almost unbearable, but she couldn't let it slip, not now, not ever.

The secret was like a puzzle made up of memories and emotions, and at the center of it all was Edward. He was someone important from both her past and present, a person who meant more to her than anyone could know. But talking about it? That was off the table.

The thing was, her complicated past was intertwined with Edward. It had its highs and lows, and it left a mark on her that she couldn't easily erase. Still, she had to keep it all hidden. She had to smile and pretend like it didn't matter. It was a weight she carried, a burden she didn't want to pass on to anyone else.