Sharing the News

After dropping Melody off at her old apartment, Morgan drove silently the rest of the way to his own apartment. He was glad it gave him time to think about what had happened and figure out what it all meant.

Melody insisted on staying somewhere else before the wedding, so he chose to let her stay in her old apartment. Even after she moved out more than a year ago, it was still empty.

As he parked his car and walked up the stairs to the front door of Jasper's mansion, his mind raced with unanswered questions. He couldn't help but wonder if he had made the right choices and if there was more to the situation than he initially realized.

Warmth rushed from his stomach. Why did he feel this way when he thought about being with Melody? It made no sense. Perhaps he had been thinking about marriage for so long, but it felt so far away so the fact that it was really happening was messing with his head.