New House

In the days that followed, Melody noticed that she was spending a lot of time sleeping and thinking about her past. She had a lot on her mind, and it seemed like the best way to sort through her thoughts.

Morgan was still no different from before. For three days in a row, he didn't show up at all. The household staff were busy with their own tasks and didn't talk to her much. They even avoided to make eye contact, making her feel somewhat isolated in her own home.

The house was really grand and magnificent, but it felt very gloomy and sad inside, almost like a mausoleum.

Once she had tucked Dashiell into bed and changed into her pajamas, she glanced at the clock and hurriedly made her way to the backyard.

The moonlight bathed everything in a serene glow, and a gentle breeze rustled through the air. This peaceful atmosphere helped ease away any fears or troubling memories that lingered in the past.