Meeting the Staff

As Morgan and Melody continued their tour of the house, Alfred hurriedly approached them. Following closely behind him were a few unfamiliar people.

Morgan turned to Alfred and asked, "Alfred, could you please introduce us to the rest of the house staff? We need to get to know everyone who will be taking care of our home."

Alfred nodded and began the introductions, emphasizing the roles each staff member played in the household.

"Sure, Mr. Blodwyn. This is Beatrice, the caretaker of the house," Alfred gestured to her, a woman with a warm and welcoming demeanor. "Beatrice will oversee the daily operations of the house, making sure that everything runs smoothly and efficiently."

Beatrice walked elegantly which made her remember the time she spent working in some of Europe's most prestigious homes.

Her dark gray hair was pulled back into a tight bun, revealing striking hazel eyes that always seemed to be observant and vigilant.