
"In the beginning, there was the Universe. It is not a conscious entity like we are, it is infinite, and without feeling. It follows patterns, flowing like a river. One of these patterns formed our world.

"Years and years went by with many different creatures being formed and erased, depending on the flow of the pattern the Universe followed. Then came man, primal, instinctive, yet they had something the Universe did not, a Will. Will gave man choice, options.

"The Universe followed these new paths and as man's Will grew, so too did their intellect. The Will of man, created Gods. First as insubstantial elements: fire, earth, air, and water to explain the natural order of nature. Man even gave the planet a consciousness to rule over the elements.

"Later came stories introducing more Gods, this time with a Will and intellect of their own. Every time a God was made, the Will of man manifested them. Everything would have been fine if the concept of opposites hadn't come into play. This concept introduced Chaos.

"Chaos is the complete unraveling of the Universe, erasing the patterns the Universe has always followed. The Universe was stalled and the Gods that had been manifested were at a loss. Chaos chose that moment to act, bringing a giant ball of fire down on the earth and causing an ice age. This killed practically all life on the planet. But the Gods worked together to hide humans, specifically the humans they had chosen based on their level of Will.

"Once the land was fit to live on again, the Gods came to a decision. Every few generations, they would choose humans with a large degree of Will to help battle Chaos. The Chosen were able to hold it back for many years, but Chaos would ultimately destroy everything the Gods had done.

"After watching Chaos for a time, the Gods realized what was happening. The Will of man was feeding Chaos, making it stronger. Once Chaos was strong enough, it would act. To counter this, the Gods got more in touch with their Chosen, guiding them to stop those humans that were feeding Chaos. This worked for many years, with only minor forms of Chaos coming to fruition. Until the rise of a single God.

"The other Gods were weary, but they'd dealt with new Gods before. They watched as the Will of man manifested this new God, and it chose its human. And then another human. And another. The single God chose many humans, and used those humans to kill off the Chosen of the other Gods. The other Gods tried to hide their Chosen, but many were lost. The single God fed Chaos, causing tragedy after tragedy, until the humans the single God had Chosen began to die.

"The other Gods quietly brought their Chosen back into the light, though there were far fewer Gods than there were before. Remember, it's a human's Will that gives a God life. With the death of so many people, only those who were able to hide their Chosen successfully remained manifested.

"It took many years, but ultimately the Will of man changed the single God to help in the battle against Chaos. Finally, Chaos was back to making small manifestations of itself. It was as peaceful as could be expected… until something changed. The Will of man became less and less, so much so that the Gods were no longer able to find people worthy to be Chosen. Man became lazy, greedy. And Chaos thrived again. It was Chaos that brought about the Quake, and it's you, and the other Chosen of the Gods, that need to stop it from getting the power to manifest again."