
The smell of night lilies fills my nose as a soft tap to my cheek wakes me. A saccharine smile graces my lips as I look groggily up into the beautifully feline face of my Goddess. She smiles back and moves to give me room to sit up. Putting a hand to my head, I gingerly lift myself up until I'm sitting on my knees before her.

"I am sorry that you were put through such a horrendous experience, my child. You are safe where you are for now, but I will soon need to wake you. Do you think you can do one more thing for me?" Her tone is motherly, and I find myself nodding without having to think. I would do anything for my Goddess, no matter what dangers or fears I may encounter.

Bowing my head in shame, I feel the need to apologize for my weak nature. A small, soft hand raises my chin until I'm looking into Bast's star filled gaze.

"There is no need to feel ashamed of actions you had no control over. If anything, your fainting made it possible for me to speak to you here." She smiles sweetly before releasing my chin and stands regally with her hands folded before her.

As she outlines what I need to do upon waking, my heart quickens in fear and hope at her plan. At her look of inquiry I prostrate myself in front of her, my forehead on my hands while my elbows are inline with my knees. A soft glow surrounds me as I feel myself gently falling back to reality.


The floor under me is cold and hard as I regain consciousness, the sound of running footsteps and incoherent shouting reaching me from the main area. Gritting my teeth in determination, I grab the folder and twist it up to shove between my breasts, thankful that the fall had loosened my binding enough to slip it into. The book is next, going into a hidden pocket of my dress.

Getting up slowly, I glance over the rim of the desk, almost letting a gasp escape at the mess surrounding me. Making my way through the study door with determined strides, I focus on the plan Bast had laid out for me. Men in servant and Collectors' uniforms are running past me, ignoring me in their rush to help their master with the intruder. Stopping next to the room I need, I take a fortifying breath and slip into the study when no one is looking.

Unlike the nephew's study, the Head of Fireside likes to keep things simple. An almost bare desk with a hard-backed chair behind it is neatly organized at the far side of the room, while a mound of pillows are stacked under the single window. Finding the room empty, I take a seat on the pillows to wait, knowing that no one will enter if the Head is not inside.

A pang of guilt enters my mind at the thought of not making sure that the young woman made it out of the house, but I reassure myself with the knowledge that Bast would never abandon one of the people that can push the acts of Chaos back into the stone ages. Laying my head against the windowsill, my eyes start to droop until sleep washes over me.