Unfolding Strange Events-1

The morning came quickly, Dana was the first to woke up and witnessed the rising of the sun from her window which was left opened yesterday's night,

She stretched her arms and upper body, a yawned escaping her mouth, as she watches the sun from her window where she stood, it was a great sight to the eye.

It seems her body didn't let go of the habit of her waking up early at 5am in her former life, she always went for jogging, she leaned to the window to see if she could see a good spot for some morning jogging, that's when her eyes landed on the Gardener, he was clearing the unwanted grass.

She smiled when two birds fly to her direction chirping happily, after spending some time by the window she finally walked away from there and returned to sit on her bed, that both her feet touched the floor, out of curiosity her hand went to pull the drawer opened, there's nothing in there except a frame photo that was placed down,

Her tender hand took the photo out of the drawer and turned it so that she can see what the photo is about, however the moment her eyes came in contact with the people in the photo a gasp escaped her lips while letting go of the wooden frame , that fell downward to the ground,

Her breathing became ragged as she moved away to the middle of the bed, as if coming in contact with a ghost, "no, no, " she chanted shaking her head in disbelief, her already pale face has become paler, "it can be, I must be hallucinating"

When she calmed her nerves, she gathered her courage and get down from the bed, she squat down in front of the photo lifting it up, before turning the photo bringing it to her face,

"W- what are you here?" Dana stammered her hand shaking in fear, staring down at the illustration,

Inside the photo was none other than Dana who was smiling and besides her was Liza from her former life, whose face was contoured with a scowled,

Something is not right, she needs to summoned Amyas for answer, but before doing anything her room door was opened and when she raised her head to peek at the intruder, she saw it was a maid judging by her dress,

The maid bow when she came inside the room, "I'm here to prepare your bath water,"

Dana who needs answer now and was curious she quickly asked, "how long do you work here?"

The maid was taken aback by the sudden question, but hastily answered, "three years my lady"

"Then you should know who is this in here," she lifted the photo up for the maid to see,

When the maid saw the photo, she replied, "that was you on the left side, and on the right was your sister, my lady"

Dana forehead creased in confusion, "my sister you say, how's that possible?" she asked in surprised, Dana stood up, coming closer to the maid standing, she shoved the frame at her, "I must have been far, but now it's close enough for you to identify who's this person"

The maid became confused too, she bow and apologize, "that was you and your sister, Lady Daisy"

"Daisy..." Dana's dawdled, thinking, "hmm this is strange"

"If I'm done here, I would like to go and prepare your bath water, and get you dress so you can join the Master and the Mistress for breakfast early, my lady" the maid reasoned, trying to dismissed herself to avoid any arising question from the young lady,

Fortunately, Dana agreed by nodding while continued to stare at the photo in her hand,

The maid walked away to the bathroom in haste, wondering why the questions, even though the news about the young lady losing her memories and that she was now a human because of the poison, has went viral the whole manor and the news were leaking out from the manor, it left the maid perplexed, unsure why the young lady asking for who her own sister was, by chance, did the young lady really forget about her own blood sister?

The maid shook her head to get rid of those thoughts and tried focusing on what she was here for,

After the bathing, Dana was dressed in a light pink gown, the cotton fabric feel comfortable, her hand slide down on the gown that fitted her and by the chest it was a surplice, while the sleeve of the gown was slitted revealing her arms down to her wrist, and her hand went to touched her brown hair that was styled in a loose plait, she looked dazzling.

Jessie must agreed that Dana was a beautiful innocent being, she smiles at herself in the mirror and the maid noticing could not help but feel happy that she did a good job in dressing the young lady,

"You look amazing my lady" Dana hummed in agreement, "it all thanks to you..."

"It's Thea my lady" the maid finished the word for Dana, and the young lady turned her head to look at the maid, she offered a graceful smile and remarked, "thank you Thea, take me to my parent,"

Thea bobbed her head, she went to opened the door for the young lady and followed her behind,

Dana who was Jessie inside, couldn't help but gawk at the glorious manor, she fight the urge to gasp and touched every furnitures she came across on her way, but she's daughter of a wealthy person, maintaining an elegant posture was expected from her, so she composed herself and only screamed in her mind.

Upon reaching the dining room, she met her mother and father already in the dining room seated, the Marquee Williams, her father was sitting on the chair that serves only for the head of the family,

When their eyes locked she bow in form of greeting, to be honest Jessie didn't know how she bend her head, she just felt that it was need to be done that way,

This is driving her crazy, was the Marquee daughter's soul still in her, because she was here acting weird, but there's a saying, 'when in Rome, do as the Romans Do'.

He smiled brightly at her, with his red eyes staring at her, she looked away and bow the same way to her mother, lady Edwina offer her a smile, "come take a seat next to your mother" patting on the seat next to beside hers.

Dana walk over, the maid, Thea who was behind her quickly went to pull the chair back for the young lady to sit.

Thea move to the other side of the room, and stood with her fellow maid standing there in case the family member required for anything,

"You look beautiful my daughter" the Marquee complimented Dana, whose smile widen she acknowledge by saying, "I would be, if I had taken my looks from you"

Her joke had both the Marquee and Marchioness to laugh, and Dana smile, yes that's what she want, building a strong affection between them.

"Mother" Dana called her mother, and Edwina turned she heard Dana says, "I enjoyed the porridge more than I thought I would be"

"Oh my, thank you" Lady Edwina became touched,

"But mother I have something to talk to you about, maybe after the breakfast" Dana mind was still clouded with the thought of the photo she saw earlier that morning, she still want answers to her questions, where is her sister first, because if Liza was here then she would have seen her, but she was nowhere in this manor as she surveyed.

Lady Edwina nodded even though she wanted to ask what it was, but held in when the butler came in with some maids behind him carrying food tray to serve the family of three.

Dana was served human food, and the two vampires were served what they usually eats and next to them was a red wine, mixed-up with bloods.

When the family were almost finished eating the delicious meal, the butler made his way inside the dining room and politely bowed, "milady, the governess has arrived, I have her waited in the parlour room"

The Marchioness nod, "It seemed the governess was the way people described her, so keen for the job" she turned to the butler and said, "I will be there soon Vance" the butler bow again and left the dining room.

After the breakfast, Lady Edwina and her daughter walk to the parlour room where the governess was said to be waiting and behind them were two maids following them, when they arrived to the door of the parlour room, the two maids were quick to go ahead and open the door for the two ladies.

They found the governess sitting in one of the cushion sipping tea from the teacup,

When the governess noticed she wasn't alone, she quickly put down the teacup and stood up to bow politely at the Marchioness and her daughter,

"Good morning Lady Edwina, Miss Dana" greeted the governess, who wore an orange garment which has a notched keyhole neckline, and was neatly tucked inside her brown skirt that was circular in shape which only reached over her knee. Her black hair were styled in a low bun. She was a vampire too judging by her red eyes.

Dana instantly like the way the young woman dressed casual like a real governess, her warm honey skin colour fitted her and she look like she was in her mid twenties, Dana heard her mother acknowledged when she sat down in one of the two-seater sofa, "good to have you here Miss Florence, is it?"

Miss Florence gave a half smile and nodded,"yes milady"

Dana took her seat on the same sofa her mother sat, Lady Edwina acted exquisitely as a woman from a well maintained family, she said, "Vance disclosed your information to me, he mentioned you are good at your job, the letter was sent to you this morning and believe me when I said, I didn't expect you to come this early Miss Florence"

Miss Florence who was still standing, her expression was poised when she responded, "the letter says 'we would love it if you could make your appearance sooner, as the need of a governess is needed urgently' I detect an urgency and persistent milady, and decided to be of help"

Dana mouth curved into a smile, the governess was impressive and polite with her words, she loves that.

She turned her head to gauge her mother reaction,but she look unruffled, Dana became worried that her mother will say no.

Lady Edwina move her lips to speak however Dana beat her to it, "mother, let's accept her"

Lady Edwina downcast a glance at her daughter who look happy, she doesn't like the way the governess retorted at her, even though she was careful to not be rude this had Lady Edwina feel a little offended, afraid to not disappoint her daughter who just woke up yesterday from her deep slumber,

She sighed in defeat and nods at the governess, she stated,"consider yourself lucky, for gaining the privilege to work with the Beaumonts" sounding as if the governess wasn't qualified enough to work for them,but somehow got lucky.

Miss Florence didn't bother herself with the Marchioness comment and bow to show her appreciation, and Dana's brows knitted, what did she just heard her mother said,

She's the one here who should consider herself lucky for having such a governess, are all wealthy people like this, twisted. Dana thought to herself.

"Please do take care of my daughter when she's with you"

"I will milady" the governess assured her her eyes looking straight at the Marchioness.

"I will leave you both and join your father in his study room" the Marchioness told her daughter, before lifting her body from the sofa and have her way out of the parlour room without glancing at the governess way who bow a little at her, she humphed inwardly her chin lifting up.

Alone with the governess, Dana stretched her hand at the empty cushion "you can now have your seat, Miss Florence"

Miss Florence was careful when she lower her bottoms to the cushion, she locked eyes with the young lady of the manor and heard her said,"I like your way, I must say you impressed me"

"Thank you my lady"

"Dana. Just Dana I'm not too proud just cool. Do feel free to call me by my name" the young lady raised her brow when the governess went mute.

Miss Florence realizing there was a need for her to say something, she said, "I will try to do so"

With a satisfying smile on Dana's face, "how about we walk together to the library, I will enjoy my lessons there, don't you think?" she suggested almost giving no room for argument, knowing the governess might be too generous to reject the idea.

Miss Florence didn't know what to do, she knew dealing with children from high-class family was a little tough, they love giving orders and bossy as if they were the one who hired them. However with Dana it was a little different, because she could see by her own observation and experience from working for many wealthy people that the young lady had taken a liking of her which she of course hated, and decided to be rude towards the Marchioness daughter in other to make a bad impression.

"Of course my lady, however, waking up might be easy I'm afraid finding the library won't be, as it seems some of your memories were gone" having said that, she made sure her eyes were still locked with the Marchioness daughter, her expression stoic.