Prologue - God exists?

"Done hahaha!"

[7:48 AM]

Almost 8 in the morning.

No sighs or exclamations come out, let alone resentment. This has already gone far past routine for me to get angry.

Only belated regrets that I chose an unsuitable major, the only upside is I can finally rest and relax for the next week or two.


'I should've just majored in what I wanted rather than choose the 'safe and reliable' career path.'

I say this all the time but as I get older I only then realize what I truly want, I wouldn't even be ashamed anymore of living like a hogu on my parent's wealth. But alas what's done is done.

In a few months I hopefully graduate, enter the ruthless capitalist society, and live honorably on a path of self-reliance.


"Who am I kidding, I graduate, don't get the job I want, compromise with reality, only to be beaten down by society, then live on a stipend named my dad because I'm unemployed."

I slap myself in the cheeks in order to get these negative thoughts out.

"Let's go down and eat some breakfast first."

Walking down the street I see downtown Berlin, as a history geek it's always been a regret for me that I've never got to see certain Berlin sights. The pre-fire Reichstag, Holy Trinity Church, even the Führerbunker. Still at least Berlin Palace was rebuilt so I got to see it.

While crossing the street I suddenly feel a faint discomfort in my chest, my face hardens as I realize that my heart condition is suddenly acting up.

I breath a sigh of a relief, since I definitely remember not seeing any passing vehicles beforehand.

I rest at a nearby bench and proceed to control my breathing.

'Shit. I ended up staying up all night so I totally forgot to take my medication.'

Leaving my regrets behind I rest for another 10 minutes before continuing my walk. After a short walk I arrive at my favorite restaurant, Yusuf's Kebabs.

After getting my fill I head back home to get some long-awaited R&R.

'Damn. Did they change the meat supplier or something? The lamb chops this time was great.'

In a good mood I walk home dispersing my earlier vigilance.

Crossing the street I hear what sounds like a loud engine rev. I look for the source of my anxieties and see rapidly approaching truck.

"SHIT! Damn truck!"

I try to jump out of the way to save my life, but I end up failing spectacularly.

"Shit! Getting hit twice in a..."

Before I could finish my last minute muttering I get done in by truck-kun.

HOLY SHIT! Am I fucking dead!?!? Its dark and cold as fuck! DAMN ITTT!!!

If I had my eyeballs I'd be crying rivers right now. But for real this situation is messed up as hell. I feel like I've floating on air, in my mind or some shit. Damn is this the afterlife? Or some kind of waiting area where we choose to begin the next simulation...

To hell with it. I've never truly believed in God, but hopefully he's not omniscient.

'I pray to the lord almighty; Jesus Christ, Yahweh, Allah or whichever name you prefer. Please help this lost little lamb, I was hit by a truck so maybe I'm not qualified to enter Asgard, still I beseech you show this humble vessel mercy!'

I don't know if Quetzalcoatl got my message or not, but moments after my prayer I begin to sense a vacuum like phenomenon suddenly sucking my consciousness.



A short while after the vacuum phenomenon. I slowly open my eyes.

'HOLY SHIT! I actually got isekai'd! There's fucking giants everywhere! Shit!!! I gotta get moving before Life: Part 2 ends during the prologue.'

I try to get away from the giants but my body comes out uncooperative. Thinking the worst case scenario resign my mind and body in despair.

'This... God is Dead!'

'My body doesn't move so clearly I'm under some sort of paralytic or something. I don't have a status window, an isekai starter pack, not even a futuristic nanomachine guide.'

Despite my seemingly hopeless situation, I refuse to submit to despair! I shall prepare my Endkampf (Final Struggle)!

I look around my surrounding with fierce eyes, I see three giants surrounding me and woman to south, and two men to the north and east. I get a glimpse of the room, Its splendidly decorated, it looks like my captors are big wigs.

With reconnaissance over I initiate the Endkampf in earnest. I try to move my arms with all my strength, I'm pretty sure my veins are popping at this tireless struggle. With immense mental fortitude I finally move arms, I look down and check their condition. But then I notice something strange, my arms strangely small too big to be a child's yet too small to be a toddler. I try to test my current hypothesis.

"Abuuuuu! (Hello!)"

Its seems that my worries have been for naught. I am not a captive of giants, but simply a newly born infant to seemingly normal human beings.

"Gruub blah bleh? (God exists?)"

(☉_ ☉)