Chapter 25

No, he looks every inch theprincehe is here. A prince on the verge of his kingdom, his aging father struggling to maintain control.

His head tentacles blow gently on the breeze. His lips curl into a slight smile as he looks at me.

I suddenly remember what they've put me in. A compromise, letting me keep the top on. Gabrielle wanted me decked out like a Fae bride, breasts exposed.

Unafraid, she said.

But I'm very much afraid. I'm scared shitless. So they gilded my boobs like I'm Princess Leia, dangled chains from my nipples running down the skirt I'm barely wearing. My exposed legs prickle in the heat of the night.

There's nothing like the Chicago winter here. I wonder if Faerie is always this warm.

"I'll be your escort," Fabien says. He holds out an arm and I take it, nearly grasping at him for dear life.

I'm getting married!

"There was a lion…"

