The Launch

James was walking inside Clarke's office and find her flipping some papers.

"Someone is working heard"

"We have to James, in two months we will lose our products"

"Don't worry Mr. D from apple company decided to lend us some money"

"What about the contract papers?"

"They will be delivered this afternoon get ready once they are here let me know" James walked away from the office. Somehwere at the bar Harry was drunk he was making a scene picking up a fight with people, they threw him outside the bar he landed down near to someone's feets he looked up and saw Desmond again.

"Sir.? Is…. Is that you?" Desmond helped him up.

"Getting drunk in a daylight Harry, life must have turn against you buddy"

"You are back from Phillipines"

"Come on, we have a lot to catch up"

"Where are going?"

"I need someone who can really take care of business"

Harry saw a huge nice car behind Desmond.

"What have you done? Lately?"

"You know me, well I took care of some issues, come on we don't have all day long, get clean up we have a company to launch today" They got inside the car and left. Juliet was at their new company setting everything ready and wait for it to be launched.

"Madam J everything is ready now we are waiting for your orders to Launch the company"

"We will be launching it soon, we just have to wait for the president, what about the employment chances?"

"They are released already The interview will be started tomorrow morning"

"Okay get everything ready and standby, wait for my word"

"Okay madam" Juliet walked to her office.

Somewhere at baby sitting building Kate had a job of taking care of children, bathing them, making them and take good care of them for 12 hours. She was in the bathroom bathing children a woman walked inside to have a talk with her she showed her a paper.

"What is that Sasha?"

"Employment opportunity, Kate you have to apply too I heard this company will be launched this afternoon and they are looking for experienced workers"

"What can I do? I was just a reporter back then"

"Well you experiences alot, am sure you will pass the interview Kate, don't take this lightly the interview will be held tomorrow and the application will be closed tonight, you have to hurry.

"I can't, I have my life now, and I am happy taking care of children"

"Why? Do you like babysitting the children?"

"You know Sasha, I used to be a mother a very carelessly one, I didn't care and I sent my daughter away, 8 years it has been and I didn't hear anything from her now all I want is just to sit down and take care of babies"

"Well think about it, I will leave this to your table" Sasha walked away. Sometimes later Desmond went to the company along with Harry.

"This is your company? How did…."

"It's been 9 years Harry you know me I worked hard come on, let us go inside someone is waiting" They walked inside Juliet's office Harry was surprised to see a beautiful woman.

"Des… welcome everything is ready we are waiting for your orders, who is he by the way?"

"Harry I was his…"

"Chief of staff I know that" Juliet took a contract papers and gave it to Desmond.

"Harry will join me on quest once again, do you agree to be my chief of staff and work by my side, be my loyal as you once were my right hand man"

"You know that I agree sir always" Harry took a pen on the desk and took the contract to sign in then he gave back.

"Welcome to Apple company Harry, Juliet it's time"

"Okay" Juliet took a phone and called some staffs.

"We are ready to launch the company"