The Interview 2

Harry walked out the back door the front door was opened Kate got inside the room. Ameliyah was very happy seeing her Juliet was shocked seeing Kate.

"Aunty Juliet that's the woman I was telling you about"

"Welcome, to Apple company have a seat" Kate went to sit down and started her interview.

"Name, Age, Purpose, Why did you choos to work at the Apple company, Maritual Status, address and Your former work," Kate took out her CV and gave it to Juliet.

"Kate Austin, 38 years, widow, Reporter, why sis you quit your former work?"

"I was sick I had to leave the work"

"Tell us what is your purpose soon after you get employed in Apple company"

"To luve a good life too, I need to archiveve my dreams and become a person too"

"As you know that Apple company deals with only iOs mobiles tell us do you have any experience in mobiles?"

"None, never before"

"Then why did you apply here at our company?"

"I need to work, I mean cleaning, serving or Cooking I fit more in cooking"

"Kate, we really appreciate your presence in the company but I don't think we need a Chief nor a Cleaner now, we are good and everything is taking care of I'm sorry about that, your CV here says that you have only one job experience and that is being a reporter am sorry to let you down but you don't have what it takes to be an employee here"

"It's okay I understand" Juliet returned back her CV Ameliya was staring at her as she slowly standing up and getting ready to leave.

"Wait!" Kate stopped and stared at Ameliyah.

"Aunt Juliet, why don't we give her a chance, look at her she seems sincered on what she was saying I believe she really wants this job please"

"Ameliyah this is not something you should meddle in"

"I know Aunt but don't you think you are being too harsh on her?"

"Wait outside Kate Austin" Kate walked outside to wait.

Sometimes later Juliet walked outside the interview room and saw Kate outside. She walked away without saying a word to her. Ameliyah opened the door and walked outside she went to her.

"Give me your proposal form, I managed to talk to her she is putting you in a Cafeteria" Kate was very happy hearing that.

"Thank you so much" She gave Ameliya her proposal form.

"Your work begins tomorrow" Ameliyah walked away.

Later on that day evening Desmond returned back from Korea Harry went to pick him up he was driving hee.

"Where are you headed Sir"

"You can speak informaly to me when we are alone Harry"

"Okay Des, where are you going?"

"Let's head home right away, I need to check on Juliet and Ameliyah" Harry drove Desmond at his house he saw a huge house bigger then his former house they went inside the house.

"You are welcome to live with us Harry"

"Really? I'm sorry but I have a place to stay sir"

"I checked, you live in a renting room and you didn't pay your rent for almost 5 months now, go fetch your things Family should stay together" Desmond got out of the car and walked inside the house. Ameliyah was already alseep Juliet was at the dining table with her laptop signing in new selected employees Desmond shawed up behind her.

"Somebody's working late"

"Somebody is late too"

"I'm sorry traffic, besides how is everything back at the company how many empolyees did you get?"

"25 one of them was Kate" Juliet showed Desmond a picture of Kate.

"Tell me is she the one you have been telling me about? The one who corn you?"

"Yes how did she managed to get in?"

"Well your daughter insisted for her to be employeed" Juliet explained everything to him Desmond seems freezing