Battle Royal Begins

The referee gave the signal for the fight to start but none of the participants moved, each stayed in their positions gauging the others strength.

Shiro didn't really bother about those things, he walked to one end of the ring and sat down there while waiting for the others to take the first step.

"Hey, what are you looking at?"

One of the participants asked another who was staring at a girl standing close to the ring.

"What does that have to do with you?"

The guy asked back, the two scanned each others cultivation before jumping back and pulling out their weapons as if they had rehearsed this scene before.

Similar things were also happening around the ring as a lot of people began shouting at each other and fighting. Shiro sat down quietly watching fights unfold one after the other, some of the people in the arena noticed Shiro but were to scared to go towards him, his title as the third rank wasn't just for show.

After waiting for a while, Shiro got up and began walking towards one of the participants who was engaging in heavy combat with another participants, the two noticed Shiro walking towards them and decided to team up against him.

They kept throwing attacks at each other while slowly progressing towards Shiro, they needed to make sure Shiro didn't catch up on their ploy otherwise their chances of victory would be slim.

Shiro had obviously noticed their actions to him, these guys couldn't pose a threat to him even if he let them carry out their plan. Once the distance between them and Shiro reduced to to a level they were satisfied with, the two immediately broke out of combat and began dashing towards Shiro.

Shiro looked around the battlefield observing the situation while keeping his attention on the two people heading towards him, Shiro placed his hand on the hilt of his sword as he walked past them, the two didn't even realize what was happening before blood sprayed out from their chest. Shiro had used his skill sword draw twice in that instant, his speed and precision had increased which made these amateur fighters unable to defend against it.

Shiro didn't stop there, he walked around swinging his sword around like the harbinger of death picking off anybody who was unlucky to enter his range.

Shiro's attack caught the eyes of some of the participants, these participants also didn't seem to be like the rest, they were stronger and smarter as they made note to avoid Shiro till the later part of the fight.


Blood sprayed out from one of the participants body, beside him was Shiro who had just taken out his fifteenth victim since the battle began. The fights in the arena had reduced drastically as most of the participants began grouping up to take care of Shiro. Seeing their efforts, Shiro went over to one part of the ring to allow them time to prepare, he was not a bully and he preferred to give the everybody a fair chance to fight.

The participants watched Shiro retreat to one side of the ring without a care in the world, they looked at him with contempt as if they were looking at an idiot. Who in their right senses would see what they were doing and still give them time to do it?

"He will soon regret that decision, hehe"

One of the participants said, he was part of the people who wanted to gang up and take Shiro out of the fight.

At other corners of the ring, there were three other people who had not made a move since the fight began, two out of the three had been keeping their eyes on Shiro since he began fighting and they knew very well that they were not his match.

The last of the three just sat in a corner close to Shiro while using a piece of cloth to clean a gun like thing, it had the structure of a gun both it looked like it was modified to take the shape of any type of gun the user desire. The boy's name was Hotaru, he wore a cloak which had a lot of pockets and in each of those pockets were different types of the gun he was cleaning. Hotaru watched in silence as the participants prepared to make a move on Shiro.

The participants separated into six groups of five, all of them had serious expressions as they began advancing towards Shiro. Shiro saw them coming and got up, his hand never left the hilt of his sword as he watched them approach him.

Once they were close enough, the six groups spread out circling Shiro and trapping him in their formation, they didn't believe that one man could take on thirty of them and still come out of it unscathed.

The remaining four participants who did not join the assault watched closely trying to catch glimpses of Shiro's abilities to better prepare themselves to fight against him.

The six group had finished surrounding Shiro by now, they each wore mocking smiles on their faces as they looked towards on of the four remaining participants. The participant they looked towards smiled and waved his hand signaling for them to attack.

Sword Ki, Ki and mana filled the environment as attacks began raining on Shiro. Shiro looked towards the person who gave them the order to attack, he knew that this person was the commander of this group thus he was the person who needed to be taken out first.

Shiro wasted no time as he unsheathed his blades and jumped into the midst of one of the groups. Each group was made up of three melee fighters and two ranged fighters, two of the melee fighters rushed to entertain Shiro while the last one stayed back to act as a guard to the ranged fighters.

Shiro used sword draw twice consecutively trying to finish of the two melee attackers at once but interruptions from the ranged fighters made him unable to land a hit. Shiro clashed with the melee fighters while using his evasion technique to evade the harassment from the ranged fighters, his high IQ made it very easy for him to focus on more than one thing at a time.

While he was dealing with one of the group, his martial awareness spread round the ring, keeping tabs of all the participants to ensure that he was not attacked when he least expected it, Shiro's mental capacity had increased since he learnt how to activate the God stigma which made his multi-tasking ability a lot more accurate and effective.

Four minutes had passed since Shiro began fighting the group and he was still unable to take down even one person. The groups took turns waring him down as much as possible to make it easier for them to knock him out of the fight. Shiro knew what they were aiming to do but knowing their plan didn't mean he could stop it, the constant harassments from the range fighters kept him from being offensive.

The remaining four participants watched Shiro's struggle without showing any signs of going to aid him, if they could take Shiro out of the fight this early then they had nothing to complain about.