A New Semester

Audrey had somehow made it through two whole months of working overtime just so her mother wouldn't lift a finger, all the while having the constant reminder that she was working hard for a better future. She didn't ask her mother but she didn't know exactly how much the pension plan was, she just hoped it could take her through college.

It was now a week to the resumption date for a new semester and she felt giddy, for someone who entered college aloof and boring, Audrey had become someone who treasured friendship and spending time with people she held dear. Although the two months were rough for her, it was something that could ease the tension her mother would face while she was in school, she never wanted her mother to stress herself.

For Hyacinth, the two-month holiday was a holiday, a chance to get away from the stressful life of the college. Being the only child, her parents need not worry about any other child, meaning everything they had, they spent on her, she barely even lifted a finger in contrast to what some of her other friends had to face, being the foodie she was, she had become a little bit plump towards the end of the holiday. Regardless she enjoyed her holiday and was bright as ever in anticipation of resumption.

Nelly who was the last child and only daughter of the Brookes was also babied by her parents and her elder siblings. She was treated like a princess during her stay at home, giving her all the attention as they had missed her so very dearly. She had gone on trips with her brothers and when it was almost time to resume, her mother was the most grumpy

Unlike her roommates who left the dormitory, Pat who had stayed in the dormitory had nothing to do and she had almost died of boredom. To soothe her boredom, she had planned activities they could participate in, all originating from the deepest parts of her lonely heart, when that didn't seem to work, she got a job, not for the money, but the fact that she wouldn't have to sleep all day long.

Pat must have been the happiest of the four to finally resume and have the bustling dorm back and the lively environment, but most of all, to have her friends back. Although they had a group chat, it just got boring after the first few weeks because some of the girls had things to do, for example, Audrey. "Just one week to go, one more week!" Pat said in whispers as she brewed coffee for a customer.

In expectation of her roommates' arrival, Patricia had scrubbed the bathroom clean, she took it upon herself to change their bedsheets and wash the previous one as it would have accumulated dust. One week which consisted of just seven days now seemed seventeen days to Patricia because of how long the week had gone on. Before the redemption date, some students already went back to campus to settle in, the girls were in this category as they all settled to resume two days before the resumption.

Hyacinth was the first to arrive of the three girls who had left the premises to observe the summer breaks, stepping through the main gates, she breathed in what she regarded as "campus air", "there it is, that sweet smell of student's agony which we wouldn't trade anything for", Hyacinth said as she looked admiringly at the campus.

To her biggest regret, she soon heard a familiar voice, " you ran off the last time you little brat, all I just wanted was your number", David said as he walked towards her. He was one of the very few who had resumed far from the resumption date, "well I didn't want to give you, you couldn't force me", Hyacinth rebutted. " Fine, this time I'm going to keep stalking you and disturbing you till you give me the damned number," he said in exasperation.

"Fine!", Hyacinth said already tired, for some reason she wanted to give him her number, for a minute there she had been awestruck at how toned he look, almost like he had done some touch-up on himself. This time she gave him the correct number, David who didn't want to take his chances called her number, he was finally satisfied when he heard a ring from her pocket. " I just called you, you should save it, now how are you going to carry these bags to your dormitory?", " you know what let me be of help". Hyacinth just let him do whatever he want, this time she looked at him to see he was a handsome man, maybe she was going to let him court her.

They walked back to the girls' dormitory and they were welcomed by an overwhelmed Patricia standing outside the dormitory with a very wild smile. "Ohh Hyacinth!" Patricia called as they hugged each other tightly, pulling from the hug, hyacinth said, " I've missed you so much, guess what…?"," what?" I bought something for everybody. "Ohhh, this is going to be so much fun!", Patricia said already thinking about how nice the semester was going to be.

Since David couldn't go inside the dormitory, Patricia helped Hyacinth with her boxes. Soon Audrey arrived as well, they shared big hugs, "you guys, guess what we are having for dinner," Audrey said as they settled in, waiting for Nelly, when minutes passed and the girls had no idea what she was talking about, she answered for them. "There's a recipe my mother and I invented while I was in my early teens, a beautiful porridge made from Plantain and sweet potatoes".

" Ohh my!!, how delightful would that be", they looked to see a familiar figure standing just outside the opened room door, "Nelly!!!!", they squealed in excitement as they wrapped her

in another big hug. The girls talked about their holidays and how they spent them, and of course, because of Pat's blabber mouth, Hyacinth gladly told the girls about how far she'd gone with David.

That night, Audrey shared with the girls that in making the plantain and potatoes porridge there was a secret ingredient, and the secret ingredient was palm oil. She told the girls that one of her mother's African friends had mentioned how to cook the dish, but she left without showing her mother how to cook it, it was their curiosity that led them to their ample discovery.