Chemo Shots

After their little chat, Prisca offered Audrey an Apron she'd need while she was working," here, have this, you might not entirely work as a waiter", "oh okay, will I be taught how to go about things in case I need to cook?", Audrey asked just to be sure, " most definitely", Prisca replied.

With that, the ladies exited the office and headed towards the main room, where customers started coming in, "where have both of you been?", the woman who Audrey had seen earlier when she came in, which Prisca had identified as her mother looked at us in exasperation.

" We just went in to settle some things," Prisca said as her mother got closer, "alright guys, get to work will you?", she said moving forward slightly before she came back, " call me Lizzy, I'm Prisca's mother", she said with a smile and off she went again.

The girls soon got back to work, For the first few hours, Audrey had no idea what to do, but Prisca and Lizzy had been able to guide her, just so she wouldn't feel out of place.

The women ran a restaurant or to put it properly a diner. There, they sold milkshakes, hamburgers, fries, waffles, cookies, and more and from what Audrey saw, the restaurant seemed to flourish.

For the rest of the day, Audrey worked so hard, in getting the orders straight and making sure the customers were satisfied and happy.

The restaurant soon closed and Audrey was the one to slump first, " is this what you go through, every day!!", "yes Audrey, every day" Prisca replied, also slumping on the chair not so far away from Audrey.

"Wow, that's like a lot in one day", Audrey said as she stood up from the seat, she continued, " anyways, can I take my leave now, I need to see my mother". "Yes you can," Lizzy said as she turned to face Audrey, "see you tomorrow", " Goodnight!", Audrey said as she hung her apron and grabbed her things.

When she was sure she got all of her things, most especially the house key, she dashed to the hospital to see her mother. But unfortunately, her mother was already sleeping, the nurse strolling the hallway advised Audrey to go back home as the patient needed the rest.

She went back home, and had a nice, long dip in her bathtub, she found the hot water very refreshing and she slept for a while. A few minutes the water turned cold and that woke her up, she sent her mother a quick message that she had come to the hospital, but she was already asleep. With that, Audrey slumped onto the bed and had a nice sleep.

Apart from the fact that she couldn't get back to school because there was no funding and she couldn't risk her mother's health again, Audrey seemed to be doing just fine. She figured she would even be better if her mother's condition took a huge turnaround.

The rest of the week went by the same, going to the supermarket in the morning, visiting her mother at the hospital midway, and going back to the restaurant after she visits the hospital. It did sound boring, and it was boring repeating the process over and over again, but Audrey was glad that her mother was doing better, she wouldn't even know what to do if the cancer wasn't discovered on time.

It was finally the weekend when Audrey's mother would take her chemotherapy shots and they would be discharged. Audrey had earlier gotten leave from both her workplace after explaining why she needed it.

She had gotten to the hospital a nervous wreck, she had no idea how the process worked. She wanted to be there for her mother, she wanted to hold her hand as she was injected with the chemical and she was going to do just that.

"Hi mom!", Audrey said as she entered the room, " hi baby, Georgia said as she wrapped her daughter in a tight hug, " where are the other ladies?", Audrey asked her mother, as she noticed they were not present in the room, "oh, they were bored, so they asked one of the nurses to take them for a walk", "oh alright then".

Then there was an awkward pause between the two, Audrey decided to talk first because she knew her mother must be too nervous to talk," have you packed your stuff yet mom?", "yes I have, now I'm waiting to be called by the doctor", Georgia said before she suddenly burst out, "I'm so nervous baby, I'm nervous".

Audrey who was a complete nervous wreck as well tried her best to comfort her mother to the best of her abilities.

The duo were engrossed in their hugs when a nurse knocked and came in, " Mrs. Smith, it's time ", the nurse said pushing a wheelchair, this got a puzzled look from Audrey, she looked at her mother then her legs in panic. Seeing the puzzled look in her eyes, the nurse quickly said, " your mother can walk, it's just normal hospital procedures". Audrey mouthed an oh and allowed the nurse to continue the procedures.

Georgia felt nostalgic, it almost looked like she was giving birth again. Audrey saw the same doctor who had briefed her on the situation and they exchanged pleasantries. Mr. Jeremy explained the situation to Georgia and Audrey, but the ladies got even more nervous when they saw how big the needle was.

The needle was injected after Georgia calmed down and it took a few minutes before she started writhing in pain. The doctor explained that the pain was only temporary and the pain was an indication that the fluid was working.

Georgia was discharged three hours later after she was told that the shots would be once every three weeks. Each shot was supposed to be paid for as she would not be in the hospital.