Finally leaving the house

The funeral happened and Leo being the kind man he is explained her situation to the supermarket, telling them about the toll it was going to take on her losing both parents this early.

The owner of the supermarket was kind enough to grant her a paid leave just so that she could grieve. Most of the staff at the supermarket pitied her, losing both parents was something they didn't wish upon themselves, regardless they planned to visit her soon.

It was no secret that Audrey didn't like too much attention, however it was a surprise for some of the staff that visited her to see what the death of her parents had turned her too.

Five of them including Leo had gone to her apartment to share their condolences, they were stunned to see how lean Audrey had become, her collarbone becoming more apparent, the bones on her wrist looking like it could be fisted by a toddler.

After seeing her pitiful appearance, they didn't even want to think about losing their parents. Throughout the visit, Audrey had barely said anything, she just sat beside Prisca who did most of the talking, Audrey noticed that she was a good hostess, just like her mother

Audrey didn't even look tidy, dressed in an oversized sweater with a masculine design, which was previously owned by her deceased father, Audrey looked so pale with her malnourished body looking like the wind could push her off her feet.

After they had dropped the gifts and paid their condolences, the staff left to get back to work.

Prisca had come to stay with her for two days before Audrey had insisted that she go back and help her mother. Somehow she convinced Prisca that she would be fine, which was a complete opposite to what she was indeed feeling.

Prisca had gone that evening after promising Audrey to visit at least once a week, because she knew the heavy amount of workload she was getting back to.

Following Prisca's departure, Audrey realized that she was indeed empty without her parents love

She didn't have them being over protective, she didn't have anybody to ask about her day, the house felt too big for her, and everything reminded her of her late parents.

Prisca continued to visit her when she had time, the same went with Leo, Prisca's mother and some staff at the supermarket.

After a whole three weeks, the same Audrey finally came to surface, somehow she found the rational side of her who was willing to move past the deaths and get back to her life.

Audrey knew it was going to be hard, but she was willing to move forward and finally fulfill the promise she made to her dead mother.

If wasn't going to be easy but it was inevitable. The super market had promised her slot back to her as soon as she got back to work, she hoped they fulfilled the promise as she was really going to need the pay to settle the bills.

The supermarket was bustling when Audrey took a step inside the big establishment, the guard by the door who was bored out of his mind doing the same thing didn't notice that it wasn't a customer but a staff who was going through the loss of her parents.

"Would you like a basket or a trolley?", the guard by the door had asked Audrey, " I work here silly", Audrey said gigglig afterwards. When the security guard whose name was Jonah recognized the voice that spoke, he turned to see the owner of the voice and wrapped her in a hug.

"Ohh Audrey, you've become so lean!", Jonah and Audrey we're pretty close during the time she stayed at the supermarket, this was because they shared similar stories, so it wasn't unusual to Audrey to see Jonah ecstatic about her return.

" Well, that's because it took a toll on me", she said her volume decreasing just remembering the kind of toll it took on her, she continued after taking series of deep breaths,"but anyways, I'm here better and stronger". "That's good then, alright go inside, and have a nice day Audrey", Jonah said seeing the time had been far spent.

After Audrey had seen the owner, a bunch of staff, male and female, had gathered with what you could identify as a rushed arrangement to welcome her back to the supermarket.

The simple soul had embraced them all one by one, the only way she could show her appreciation at that time, while hugging most of the staff, some of them uttered, " we are so sorry for your loss Audrey","it must be so hard on you","you're going to heal just fine","you're going to do just great my dear, all you need is time".

Unshed tears stung Audrey's eyes just hearing the words of support the staff said to her. After they dispersed and she went back to her post of duty which she had been formerly briefed by the owner, she was surprised to see Leo coming her way, she couldn't try to avoid him because that was the only path to her post of duty, the bakery.

She thought it would be quite possible because he was distracted by the tab he was holding, she thought if she passed by him he wouldn't notice because she had the t-shirt on. Her plan soon turned to ruins when Leo lifted his head from the tab.

"Audrey!!, I almost forgot you were resuming today", Leo said, " yeah, and now I'm here!"Audrey answered. Remembering the reason for the leave in the first place, Leo said, "I hope you're feeling better ", after sometime when Audrey knew what to say, she replied, trying so hard not to burst into tears, " I'm not fully over it, but I can't keep sulking right?", "that is very true, either way, have a nice day and remember to have lunch", Leo said pausing for a few minutes before he continued.

" I'm going to the newly opened branch today, so I won't be around", "ohh okay!", Audrey said before Leo walked past her, only then did she feel the tension and awkwardness dissolve. She didn't harbour any feelings for Leo, but everytime she was having a conversation, she always felt the tension. She didn't stay there for long either, she dashed to her post of duty, the bakery.