The Birthday Banquet II

The paparazzi took their places on both sides of the entrance, setting up their cameras in positions where they thought they would get the best angles. Some reporters already going on air doing their pre-speech for those who couldn't be there to support the idols that were to attend.

The party soon started and the expected guests were ushered into the hall, celebrities, business moguls, some political leaders, and many other influential people. Clad in different colors, ranging from nude colors to neon colors to mild colors, their hair, and accessories matching the whole look. The cameras made sure to capture every single moment, and of course from different angles, for the next few days to come social media personnels were sure to rate their outfits.

The waiters had lined themselves up, staying on the sidelines till the hall was considerably full, before they started going around with the drinks. Audrey and Prisca had both agreed to move around the hall in pairs, however plans changed when some of the waitresses were needed when it came to dishing out the food.

Audrey was one of those waitresses who had moved away from the other waitresses, to work at the long table where the food was to be served, forcing a smile regardless if the guests had rude or kind behaviours. 'At least..', Audrey thought,'I get to watch the drama unfold'.

By half past eight, the 'esteemed guests' had already filled the hall with their presence, mix of colors, and of course, heavy cologne. Audrey looked irritated as what had already become putrid, according to her reasoning seemed to fill the hall.

When it looked like all the guests had arrived, the governor still hadn't shown, however, his assistant had come up to the stage and explained that the governor had pressing matters which he couldn't postpone.

After the guests entered, they dropped their gifts at the gift stand, as some of the waitresses had escorted them. It was rather a vile gift competition than a birthday celebration, the stand ranged different expensive brands. It was on purpose, each gift surpassing the previous one, as if to show who was better.

The guests were less agitated after hearing the little speech the assistant had made, so they continued their talks, hurdling and moving from group to group, the waiters with blank expressions on their faces as they went about serving drinks. It wasn't the time for food to be eaten, so Audrey and the rest of the food servers had the time to admire the influential people.

Audrey didn't even recognize some of them, she just watched amazed by the clothes they put on, it must have cost a fortune, she thought within herself. This was the life she wanted to give her mother, even if they didn't go to parties, she wanted a life where they could be rich enough to command anything they wanted, not just for her mother, but for her father too, it couldn't happen though, her parents were late.

The conversations among the groups was supported with music, what one would imagine to be music of their choice, something both the young and old among them would enjoy.

After thirty minutes, the door opened again to welcome the star of the gathering, the governor, his assistant rushed to meet him, along with his entourage going towards the stage, these people would be angered even if it wasn't their party. The governor rushed to the stage for his speech and apologies.

"Thank you all for coming tonight!", the governor said to the mike, this got the attention of the guests on attendance, so he continued, " I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting, however I had matters which I just couldn't postpone, rest assured, it's settled, so no emergency can ruin the evening. As I said earlier, thank you all for coming this evening, it's my pleasure to have you all here. Enjoy your evening!!".

Minutes after the governor addressed the crowd, some guests walked to the food table, it wasn't entirely food but snacks the guests could munch on while the party went on. Along those guests was Hyacinth, Audrey's old friend, Audrey who was busy serving wasn't quick to notice the familiar face before Hyacinth came right in front of her and whisper squealed her name.

"Audrey!!!", she looked up to see who had called her name, it was none other than Hyacinth, she couldn't deny she felt a bit self conscious after seeing Hyacinth dressed in a beautiful gown while she was working this odd job. Regardless, Audrey settled to be humble about it

"Hyacinth!!!!!, how are you doing?", " I'm doing very well Audrey", "that's fantastic, what are you doing here?", " ohh, my dad is a friend of the governor so he was invited, he asked me to be his plus one","ohh that's very good!, do you still keep contact with Pat and Nelly?", "yes I do, but Nelly isn't in the country, she travelled for a business project and she wouldn't be back till the next month" Hyacinth answered.

Again Audrey felt extremely self conscious hearing that the girls lived good lives after they graduated, so she went silent, Hyacinth realising what she said immediately felt bad because she remembered Audrey didn't graduate with them. Audrey decided to change the topic even if the fact that she didn't graduate weighed on her, "how's David?", Audrey asked

This earned a blush from Hyacinth, " he's fine, we're getting married next year, I really hope you'd come!", "if I find time for the event, ill surely come!", Audrey said. "Okay then, how's your mother doing?", that question further dampened audrey's mood, " she died!", Audrey said almost whispering.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have asked!", " it's fine anyways, it's been months", Audrey said trying so hard not to burst into tears. Just then, her father called her over the phone and Hyacinth had to leave the food table.

Audrey's mood became sour after she had the little chat with Hyacinth, so she didn't smile anymore, unlike her mood earlier that night, their conversation had brought back painful memories she wanted to forget, either way, Audrey made sure not Io let her mood affect the way she treated the guests.