Switching jobs

"It's not funny, she keeps setting me up on dates and I don't like it!", Lucas said storming out of the main building and heading towards the car, Craig who was three steps behind him couldn't help but shiver because he knew he was guilty. All of a sudden, Lucas turned towards him and said, " and you!!", Lucas pointed towards Craig, "shouldn't you confront me first before doing any of such?!?!".

The alarm bells in Craig's head went off, and now he was very sure the boss was pissed, 'I I tried t to tell ma madam that you you won't like the idea sir, but she wasn't having it!". Lucas heard his assistant out, and instantly he knew Craig was helpless when it came to his mother's domineering aura.

" Fine, cancel it out of my schedule, we have loads of work to do today!", Lucas said, his tone going back to the expressionless and aloof one. "Yes sir!!", Craig exclaimed knowing he was off the hook for now.