New Job

Audrey was more jittery than ever, a part of her thought she had gotten the job, another part thought she hadn't gotten the job, she was even more anxious after five long days. Checking her email frequently had already become a bad habit in Prisca's opinion.

The five days had been hell for Audrey, they didn't send any sort of confirmation email or a rejection email or pending email. She was already thinking about looking for another job when she heard a notification pop up on her phone, the three shot their heads to where the phone was.

Audrey immediately dropped what she was doing and got to where she kept her phone, Prisca and Lizzy expectant to hear the news. Audrey sighed in disappointment after seeing it was a notification to update her apps. She grunted and almost threw the phone at the wall.

"It's an app update notification!", Audrey said not in the mood to be given false hope by the turn of events, " it's okay sweetie", Lizzy said.