Familiar Faces

Mr. Cohen walked ahead of her to an empty swivel chair beside the huge conference table. "There, you can sit down there", Mr Cohen said pointing towards some rows of chairs further around the conference table.

Audrey went there and sat on a chair in the front row, where she thought would be convenient for her to hear everything they discussed. She sat properly and took in the detail on the conference room, as it looked like they were still waiting for some officials.

The conference room had a large screen opposite a projector, Audrey didn't need to be told twice the function of both. There were blinds to cover the floor to ceiling windows in case the need arises, which would be in less than thirty minutes.

Audrey noticed the swivel chairs had distinctive designs, all chairs she had seen so far looked like that. A swirl design with the tyres at the bottom, surprisingly comfortable, when it looked confusing at first.