Unexpected Company

Lucas kept on driving, oblivious to Audrey's thoughts. While she was thinking of her new relationship, her mind drifted to what her parents would think about it, she sighed thinking that she had been too happy recently to visit their graves. Her mood swung thinking of her mother's final months before she left the face of the earth, all the times they would giggle about a certain topic while she was having her chemotherapy shots, and finally her thoughts drifted to the bills that were deducted from her wages every week.

Lucas noticed a change in her usual giggle and side glances, "What's wrong, indigestion?", Lucas asked concerned that her facial expression wasn't what it was a minute before.

" Ohh, no, it isn't indigestion!", Audrey said shaking her head, blinking rapidly to keep the tears from falling. She didn't know if she could tell him, she was clueless on the dynamics of a relationship as she had never had one before.