Liam Santos

"Are you going to take something upstairs?", Audrey asked as she was about to open the door, " No no, just leave everything. Maybe I can even bring more!", Lucas teased.

"You wish!", Audrey said, trying to hide the evident smile on her face. " Goodnight babe!", Lucas said , helping her with her seatbelt.

"Good night!", Audrey replied, trying so hard to avoid eye contact. She wasn't exactly sure, but making eye contact with him always seemed like he was going to devour her or something.

" Wait for me!", Lucas said before he went over to open the door for Audrey. "Good night babe!", he said again, caging Audrey between his veined arms.

" Good night!", Audrey said, her palms tracing the bulging veins on his arms. "I'll call you!", Lucas said, mesmerized by the beautiful view before his eyes.

" Okay then, I'll…", Audrey was unable to finish her sentence before Lucas's supple lips crashed on hers.