Scrap Man

During his time trailing Audrey, he had come to know that she was such a simple person, a good person who didn't deserve to be caught in the crosshairs of the whole thing.

He carried Audrey who was still unconscious to the designated room where she would stay. His hands snaked around her upper back and her legs, just so she would feel comfortable.

With the help of another lackey who assisted him with the door to the room, he laid Audrey on the bed before cuffing her left hand to the bed.

He left her soon after, covering her with a blanket on his way out. (... The guts!!)

"Get the boys!!", John ordered the lackey who stayed by the door before he went to the huge space they had gathered days ago to talk about the plan.

" Alright, is this everyone?!", John asked with a raised voice as he was talking to a group of men of about twenty to twenty five.

While some nodded their head in approval, some answered 'yes!'.